Chapter 54

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As we headed down to the docks, I couldn't shake the excitement from my mind. Not only was I going to reunite with everyone back in Far Far Away, but I wouldn't have to see another stupid textbook for as long as I lived. Despite that, I did actually have some good times at Worcestershire. I made friends that I would treasure for a lifetime and had experienced love for the first time.

I know some of you reading will think that I moved way too quickly about my feelings for Artie, but if you've ever had a first love, you would understand what I was going through. Just as I was about to board the ship, I heard my name being called way off in the distance, looked behind me, and spotted Lucy, Merida, and Isabel running towards me. I told Shrek not to leave just yet, and I hurried over to the girls.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye to us, were you?" Isabel asked.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving," Merida said. "We're going to miss you, Katie."

"Me too," I said. "You guys have been the best friends a girl could ask for."

We all then came together for a group hug, and I promised them that I would write to them as soon as I could.

"You know," Lucy smirked, "If Artie is going to be king, he will need a queen..."

I shook my head and laughed. "Why would he pick me when he will have a wide pick of princesses to choose from. Besides, me a queen? The day that happens, I will eat my shoe."

"Don't say we told you so when it happens," Merida chucked. "We better be your bridesmaids."

"Yea, Yea, I will be sure to remember that," I mocked.

"Katie," I heard Shrek call out. "Come on, we have to get going."

I gave the girls one last goodbye hug and hurried back onto the ship, and with that, it gradually left the dock. I waved to the girls, and I could feel myself tear up a little. If it wasn't for them, my entire school experience would have been miserable. They were more like sisters than best friends, and I hoped to see them again. Once we had left the island's proximity, I went over to Shrek and the others who were talking with Artie.

"I can't believe it... me a King?" he gasped. "I...I mean, I knew I came from royalty and all, but I just figured everyone forgot about me."

"Oh no, in fact, the King asked for you personally," Shrek said.

"Really? Wow! Look, I know it's not all gonna be fun and games."

"It really is all fun and games actually," Shrek explained. "Sure, you have to knight a few heroes, launch a ship or two. By the way, make sure you hit the boat just right with the bottle."

"Boat with the bottle? Any idiot can hit a boat with a bottle." Artie laughed. I could help but smirk behind my hand, knowing that Shrek had been unsuccessful with it.

"Well, I've heard it's harder than it looks." Shrek chuckled.

"I'll be right back," I interrupted. "Need to use the bathroom."

I made my way below deck and headed to over to use the toilet. Once I had finished washing my hands, I made my way back on deck. Suddenly, the boat made a rapid turn, which caused me to fall onto the floor. I scrambled over to the edge of the ship and pulled myself up to see what was going on. 

I noticed that for some reason, Artie was behind the helm, eagerly turning the boat back towards the school. I looked over and spotted Puss holding on to a bundle of rope, and I steadily made my way over to him.

"What on earth is going on?" I cried. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Puss yelled. "Donkey and I were just telling Artie about the responsibilities of being king, and he disappeared when Shrek interrupted us."

"What exactly did you tell him?" I said sternly, knowing full well that I couldn't trust him or Donkey with anything.

"We just said that he wouldn't have to worry about feeling unsafe as he would have bodyguards," Puss explained. "And that the kingdom will be looking to him for wisdom and guidance and he would have to make sure they don't die of famine or sickness-"

"What!" I exclaimed. "Why would you put that much worry on him?"

"Did we?" Puss questioned.

I groaned and hurried over to Artie, who was now fighting over the helm with Shrek, making the ship jerk in all kinds of directions.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going back!" Artie yelled, yanking the wheel.

"Back to what? Being a loser?!" Shrek blurted out.

"Shrek!" I shouted. Of all the things he could have said at that particular point, that was probably the worst.

Artie immediately let go of the wheel, and Shrek yanked on it so hard that the entire thing ripped off.

"Now look what you did!" Shrek screamed at him.

"Look what I did?" Artie barked back. "Who's holding the wheel chief?"

"Can you two quit arguing, please?" I yelled.

As I did my best to try to defuse the intense situation, we heard Donkey call out to Shrek in worry. We all looked ahead and realised that the ship was heading straight towards a bunch of rocks. Shrek desperately tried to put the wheel back together and steer the ship clear of the rocks, but there was no use, there was little that could be done.

"Brace yourselves, everyone!" I called out.

We got closer and closer until we ended up crashing, causing us all to fly into the water. With Shrek and Artie already butting heads, I realised that this was going to be a long and aggravating trip back home.

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