Chapter 35

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After the crazy event that occurred at breakfast, I was looking forward to starting my first day on a calmer note. Since the school grounds weren't too far from the student village, I decided to walk the five-minute journey there, and Isabel, Lucy, and Merida joined me. Walking into the courtyard, I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. This was it. The start of what would be an eventful time at Worcestershire. 

After the morning assembly, everyone began to head off to their classes. I spotted a nearby clock on one of the walls, checking to see the time. Nearly ten past nine. A question then hit me... what was my first lesson? I pulled out my timetable, scanning the paper to see the variety of classes I was going to be taking.


1st Period: English/ 2nd Period: History/ 3rd and 4th Period-Magic/ 5th Period: Art/6th Period: History

"Ughh, English? Seriously?" I sighed.

"Look on the bright side," Lucy said. "You're going to be in the same Art class as me."

"Besides, you have English with Mrs Andrew," Isabel added. "You're going to love it!

The sound of the bell signalled for us to head off to class. I said goodbye to the girls and began to search for the room I was supposed to be in. Thankfully, I managed to find it on time. The class was already packed with other students talking with one another; some glanced at me while others didn't seem bothered that someone completely new just entered.

"Ahh, you must be Katie Clavell," A slim figured woman wearing a brown dress greeted me.

"Yea, that's me." I smiled at her.

"Good. Well, your seat is right over there." She explained. "You'll be able to catch up with what we've been doing so far in no time."

"Ok, thanks." I nodded. I headed towards my seat and began to pull out my textbook and exercise book.

"Right class settle down, please," Mrs Andrews shouted. "We have a new student joining our class." She then gestured her hand towards me, and everyone turned and stared, making me blush. "Please," She continued. "Make her feel welcome."

For my first ever lesson at Worcestershire, it wasn't that bad. In fact, as Isabel had said, it was terrific, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I even started to make a few friends as well. For the rest of the morning, everything went swimmingly well. History was such a drag; I was beginning to fall asleep, and it wasn't just me that was feeling it. Most people were either daydreaming or drifting off into deep slumber too.

When it was break time, I spent time at the jousting area hanging out with Merida, which was pretty cool. The school would have jousting tournaments every few months, and we even had a team for it. It sounded intriguing, and I did want to see them in action. It wasn't long before a group of guys in some kind of suited armour came running into the area, laughing and shoving one another.

"They seem cheerful," I told Merida.

"That's the jousting team," she explained.

I examined them one by one, they seemed like interesting individuals, but I had to admit they did seem vain.

"Who's the one with the short black hair?" I asked, pointing at him

"Oh, that's Lancelot du Loc. He's the captain of the team and the most popular guy in our school. But an absolute idiot if you ask me."

"Really?" I turned my head back to her.

"Yea," she groaned. "He's so full of himself, and girls seemed to love him for some reason."

As she said this, we saw him walk up the bleachers' seats towards us. A huge grin was on his face.

"Why hello ladies," He smirked. "You both are looking great today."

"Go away, Lancelot." Merida sighed. "Break is almost over, so we have to get going to our next class."

"Who's this?" He asked, turning himself and leaning close to my face. "Haven't seen your cute face here before."

"Her name's Katie, and she's not interested." Merida snapped.

"Oh bog off Merida, I wasn't talking to you." He sneered at her.

"Hey," I said sternly. "Don't talk to my friend like that."

"Oh come on, I just want to get to know you." He chuckled.

"Well, I don't. Come on, Merida, we have to get going."

We quickly got up and headed down the bleachers and out of the arena, while Lancelot's friends were in total hysterics.

Afternoon classes weren't so bad. Can I just say that Mr Merlin is indeed a super crazy man. I mean, he went off on one for at least five minutes because he got a spell wrong. He's a bit cuckoo but an alright teacher. Anyway, as I was making my way to my last class, I heard what sounded like someone calling for help. It was a little bit muffled, so I followed the sound to see where it was coming from. I ended up at one of the lockers, and the cries were a lot louder this time.

"Hello?" I said.

"H-hello? Is someone out there?" A male voice called out from inside. "Please, can you let me out?"

I tried to open it, but the door wouldn't budge. Luckily for me, I still knew a thing or two about picking locks. I pulled a bobby pin from my hair and went to work trying to unlock the door. After a few seconds, it opened, and i found a guy tightly squeezed inside. I gave him my hand, and with a few heaves, I was able to get him out.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "Yea, I think so. Three jocks stuffed me in there, I was stuck in there for like forty-five minutes or something."

"Forty-five minutes? Seriously?" I exclaimed.

"Yea, but I'm used to it. I get picked by them a lot, so..."

"That's horrible," I cried.

"It's just how it is," he shrugged.

I looked at him for a brief moment, something seemed very familiar. As if I had seen him somewhere before. I then realised that he was the guy who got covered in food at breakfast and was totally laughed at by everyone in the dining hall. I was so in thought that by the time I snapped out of it, he was already walking the opposite way down the corridor.

"Hey, wait!" I called out, hurrying to catch up with him. He turned and looked back at me with a surprised look on his face.

"I... I didn't get your name." I smiled.

"My name? You want to know my name?" He asked.

"Of course," I answered. "I'm new here, so I want to try and make as many friends as possible."

He brushed his hand through his wavy hair. I could see a tiny smile forming, but it didn't get any bigger than I hoped.

"Really? Oh, well, I err... I-I'm Arthur, but people around here call me Artie."

"I'm Katie; it's nice to meet you."

We stared at each other for a short moment. I don't know why I did that to be fair, and I don't think he knew either. I looked at the clock and peered at the time.

"Oh boy, I'm going to be late for class. It was nice meeting Artie." I quickly said.

"Yea. You too."

"Maybe we can hang out sometime?" I asked.

"What for real? Yea, if you want." He stuttered.

"Cool, guess I'll see you around then," I said, hurrying back up the corridor.

"See you around." I heard him say from behind me.

I managed to get to my art class just as my teacher came in. While I sat at my desk, I began to feel bad for Artie. He was lonely and in pressing need of a friend. I hoped that I would bump into him again, he seemed like a great guy. Maybe, we would make great friends.

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