Chapter 19

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After a few miles of walking, we, well I, came up with the idea of getting Shrek some 'suitable clothes.' We hid by the side of the road, and after what felt like hours of waiting, we spotted a horse and carriage coming towards us. We then the plan sprung into action; we got Donkey to act as if he had been run over, and pretend that he was seriously injured. A well-dressed man came out and tried his best to calm Donkey down.

"You poor creature!" the man wailed. "ls there anything I can do for you?"

"Well, l guess there is one thing," he smirked. Puss swiftly jumped out and drew his sword towards the man.

"Take off the powdered wig and step away from your drawers." He demanded.

Shrek took the clothes and quickly tried them on. They looked extremely tight and unpleasantly strange looking on him. Puss, Donkey, and I just stared at him, unsure of what to make of Shrek's look.

"Looks good." I snickered.

"Not bad," Puss added.

"Not bad at all." Donkey said.

However, it wasn't long before all three of us bust out in laughter. I was laughing so much that I nearly fell onto the floor. Shrek looked ridiculous, and I loved every single minute of it. That's when we heard another man coming out of the carriage.

"Father? Is everything all right, Father?" he asked.

We all looked at the man, and then a big smirk appeared on our faces, causing the man to slowly start backing away into the carriage. After much hassle, we got the clothes off the second man, and this time they fitted Shrek perfectly. He, Puss, and I then climbed onto Donkey's back and prepared to leave the area.

"Thank you, gentlemen!" Shrek smiled. "Someday, l will repay you. Unless, of course, l can't find you or if I forget." We then quickly rode off down the road.

We finally made it into town, and while we were riding down the street, I noticed Shrek's new appearance was getting quite a bit of attention. And in a great way for once. Instead of getting death glances and frightened looks, people were waving and smiling at him. Women were blushing and giggling amongst themselves when they saw him, and it was apparent that Shrek was enjoying it. I was constantly looking at myself in shop windows and admiring my luscious brown waves; it suited my face so well. I couldn't help but wonder what I would have looked like as a baby having hair like this. I figured that I would have maybe looked like my mum. I mean, I do look like her facial wise, but my gold hair didn't make people see the similarities between us.

Donkey hastily galloped towards the castle, Shrek's face was gleaming with glee, and he couldn't wait to show Fiona his new appearance. I started to wonder what the potion did to her as she was supposed to have been affected too. We eventually made it to the front entrance, and a couple of knights stopped us at the front steps.

"Tell Princess Fiona, her husband, Sir Shrek, is here to see her." He bellowed, and the knights went inside to get her.

"Do you think she's going to recognise you, senor?" Puss asked.

"Duh, of course, she will," I replied.

"Man she will instantly know it's him, how can you not recognise that grumpy voice." Donkey added.

"What? My voice isn't grumpy." Shrek frowned.

"No," I said. "It's more moody than grumpy, to be honest."

Shrek was about to say another word when the sound of a shrieking scream rippled throughout the castle grounds, we all snapped her heads up towards where he had heard it.

"Fiona!" Shrek yelled, jumping off Donkey and running inside.

Puss, Donkey, and I remained outside, unsure of what was going on. Just moments after Shrek went inside, we saw a woman in a green dress sprinted down the steps towards us. I took one look at her and instantly knew who it was, and so did Donkey.

"Princess!" He cried.

"Donkey? Katie?" She said, tilting her head to the side.

"Hey," I answered. 

I guess the potion had the same effects as Shrek; she was now human too. It wasn't that shocking, though, as she was human when we first met her. (In a way)

"Wow! That potion worked on you, too?" Donkey smiled.

"What potion?" She asked.

"Shrek, Katie, and l took some magic potion," He explained. "And well... Now, we're sexy!"

Fiona looked over my shoulder and spotted Puss sitting behind me. I turned around and saw Puss was cleaning himself, which was so weird to watch.

"Shrek?" She asked, staring at Puss.

He immediately stopped what he was doing, looked up, and smirked at Fiona.

"For you, baby... l could be." He said in his seductive voice, all I could do at that moment was shake my head.

"Yeah, you wish." I joked.

"Donkey, Katie, where is Shrek?"

"He went inside looking for you." Donkey answered.

She then hurried back inside, and we were left once again, waiting. It was around five minutes later that Shrek stormed back out, his face was screwed up a little, and he didn't make any eye contact with us at all.

"Shrek?" I called out to him as he walked past us.

"Senor?" Puss questioned.

"What's going on? Where are you going?" Donkey yelled after him.

By the look on Shrek's face, I had a gut feeling that something happened while he was in there. Did Fiona not like his new appearance? Was there another argument? We didn't know for sure. We just slowly followed behind him, wanting to give him some space. The real question was, what was going to happen now? At that current moment, I honestly had no idea.

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