Give Me Your Attention

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     The sound of chaos filled Camila’s ears as soon as she entered the living room, which could only mean one thing; Lauren was playing Assassin’s Creed again. Camila internally groaned, having wished to spend some time with her girlfriend. She was tired of the silence that always went along with Lauren playing video games. All she wanted was to talk to the girl and cuddle; with no distractions. She thought about just turning around and leaving Lauren alone, but the ache in her chest convinced her to sit down next to the green-eyed girl. For the last five times the girls left them alone, Lauren had always went straight to the game console, and Camila was beginning to miss her girlfriend. The long conversations about nothing in particular, the cuddling up against her to share each other’s warmth, and the feeling of Lauren’s lips against hers. Since they were forced to keep their relationship a secret, they never got much time to kiss, and Camila craved the taste of Lauren’s lips. Deciding she’d had enough, Camila shifted her body so she was facing Lauren, watching the girl closely for a moment.

                “The girls just left,” Camila spoke up, her eyes locked on Lauren.

                “I know babe,” Lauren replied without taking her eyes away from the screen.

                Camila sighed. “What are you playing?”

                “Assassin’s Creed,” Lauren answered, slight frustration reshaping her flawless features. “You’ve asked that every time.”

                “I forget every time,” Camila lied.

                “I’m trying to concentrate,” Lauren stated.

                Huffing in frustration, Camila leaned her head on the back of the couch, strategizing on how to get her way for once. She couldn’t come up with many ideas, given the fact that Lauren was extremely stubborn.

                “Do you want anything to drink?” Camila asked, just wishing to hear the girl’s voice again.

                “No,” Lauren responded, her eyes still glued to the screen.

                “Well d…”

                “Camila I’m trying to play a game,” Lauren interrupted.

                “Just like you always do,” Camila muttered under her breath.

                “What?” Lauren questioned, not having heard what she’d said.

                “Nothing,” Camila sighed.

                “You’re strange,” Lauren shook her head in amusement, still not even glancing at Camila.

                Silence fell over the two girls, the only sound in the room being the obnoxious noise from the video game. Camila watched Lauren for a couple minutes before deciding she was going to get at least one thing she wanted. If Lauren wouldn’t talk to her, than she was going to make the girl cuddle her. Shifting her position, she threw her legs up on the couch and squirmed her way into Lauren’s arms with a great struggle. She pressed her face into Lauren’s arm and sighed in content, the feeling of Lauren’s body against hers spreading warmth throughout her chest. When she opened her eyes again, she found Lauren looking down at her, an amused glint in her eyes and a smile on her face.

                “You know you could’ve just told me you wanted to cuddle,” Lauren said, tightening her arms around Camila.

                “You would’ve just told me you were trying to concentrate,” Camila replied, the words coming out harsher than she had intended.

                “That’s not true,” Lauren retorted, shifting her gaze back to the game. “I’ll always cuddle with you.”

                Camila reached up and grabbed both of Lauren’s cheeks delicately, making the older girl look back down at her.

                “I want you to pay attention to me,” Camila whispered, her eyes staring deeply into her girlfriend’s.

                “Is that what all this is about?” Lauren asked, holding the button to turn off her game.

                “The last couple times we were alone all you did was play your stupid game,” Camila stated, trailing her hand down Lauren’s arm and lacing their fingers together. “I miss you Lauren.”

                Instead of responding with words, Lauren leaned down and pressed her lips to Camila’s forehead.

                “So what did you have in mind for us?” Lauren asked as she shifted her body so she was laying, with Camila leaning against her.

                “I like when we talk and cuddle,” Camila answered honestly. “I also love kissing.”

                “I love all of those,” Lauren squeezed her.

                Smiling, Camila lifted her head off Lauren’s chest and closed the distance between them by connecting their lips. Her heart fluttered at the feeling of Lauren’s lips against hers once again, the feeling having easily become her favorite thing in the universe.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now