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“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Cantaloupe who?”

“Camila! What are you saying? We cantaloupe to Vegas! Our parents would be so mad at us!”

Camila, despite herself, laughs cutely and closes her locker to face me. “Why do you know so many fruit jokes?”

I shrug and smile dopily at her-something I can’t really help. “It’s one of my many quirks. And one of the many perks of knowing me. Ha, quirk-perks. Perk-quirks? Whatever they both rhyme.”

“I’ll see you later, Lauren.” She says, smiling.

“Have a good day!” I call out as I watch her walk away. I let out a tiny longing sigh when I see her smile at and hug her douchebag of a boyfriend Austin at the other end of the hall. The prick doesn’t deserve her.

I shake my head and make my way to first period, promising myself that one day I’d tell her how I really felt.


The next day I trudged my way towards the girl of my dreams who was talking to her best friend Dinah at her locker. Hopefully I’d have enough acting skills to pull this off. “Hey Camila.” I muttered as I approached the cheerleader at her locker, still looking down at my feet.

“Hey Lauren. What’s wrong?” The concern in her voice was cute.

“Nothing. I just have this problem.” I sighed.


I nearly smiled as I revealed what my hand was holding behind my back. The white rose I was holding has actually held up pretty well. I thought it would’ve started wilting already, but it was a tenacious little thing. I held it out to Camila.

“It’s just-I have this flower right? And I’m so tired and oh so weak. I can’t carry it for much longer. I’m thinking about throwing it away to save myself the hardship, but it’s so pretty and I’d feel awful if I did that. If someone would only take if off my hands, then everything would be solved and the world would be set right, I don’t know what to do.” I sighed dramatically for effect. Good, good she’ll buy that. The amused look she was giving me however, told me that maybe she was onto me.

Dinah definitely was at least. She was smiling knowingly at me and I had to restrain myself from smirking back at her.

“Smooth one Jauregui.” She said, while nodding approvingly. Camila immediately shot her a look that I missed, but whatever look she had on it must have been pretty powerful because Dinah’s smirk fell. “I’m just gonna go to class then.” She said and took off down the hall.

Camila turned back towards me and I put on my best puppy dog face. My dad’s always been a sucker for it, hopefully it had the same effect on Camila.

She giggled as I stuck out my bottom lip. “Do you want me to take the flower?”

“Would you?” I fake gasped. “Camila, you’re a lifesaver!”

She full on laughs and that’s when I break character and laugh along with her. At this point I don’t even care if she takes the flower or not. This was my goal all along anyway, I just wanted to see her smile.

But surprisingly, Camila eventually sobers and reaches for the rose.

Until it’s rudely smacked out of my hand onto the ground.

“What the fuck are you doing Jauregay?” Austin taunted while he got in my face, effectively pushing me back and farther away from Camila. “She doesn’t want your pathetic little flower. Get out of here and go bother someone else.” He says with a shove to my shoulder.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now