Parental Control

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“Hey MTV! I’m Alejandro and I’m a construction worker.”

“And I’m Sinu, and I’m a physical therapist.”

“Our daughter Camila is so very important to us.”

“She’s beautiful, she’s smart, she has a kind heart, and she has an amazing voice. Except she just has one problem.” Sinu said, holding up one of her fingers.

“We can’t stand her girlfriend!” they both said together.

The image on the screen cut to Camila’s said girlfriend. It was quite obvious why her parents didn’t like Camila’s girlfriend, judging by her appearance. A name tag appeared under her reading, “Lauren , 18” Lauren was wearing mostly black and her face showed no clear emotion as she took a drag from her cigarette. They cut to a few more clips of Lauren, making her seem like a problematic trouble maker.

“This is Camila.” The male announcer said, a clip of Camila laughing appeared on the screen.

She’s dating Lauren.” he continued, a clip of Camila giving Lauren a tight side hug appeared.

They’ve been together for six months and Camila thinks Lauren can do no wrong.” A clip of Lauren and Camila came onto the screen, both heavily making out.

“Her parents however think Lauren’s the devil in disguise.”

“So they’re setting up Camila on two blind dates with guys they’ve each hand picked just for her. If you think this is hard for Camila, imagine how painful it’ll be for Lauren when she has to sit down with Camila’s parents and watch.”

The screen flashed to Lauren looking clearly disgruntled and unhappy with what was going on with Camila and these blind dates on the screen. Her sparkling green eyes looked from the monitor that was showing the dates, to Camila’s parents who were watching her with smirks on their faces.

“At the end of the day, Camila has to decide who she wants to keep seeing. Her girlfriend Lauren, or one of the new guys her parents have selected for her. Camila’s about to catch a break on, Parental Control.”

You laugh after the intro ended, knowing you would pick the girlfriend over any of the guys that they showed clips of. Camila would be a fool not to pick her girlfriend, Lauren didn’t even seem that bad from the clips they showed. Not as bad as some of the previous girlfriends that had been on the show, and some of them had been horrific. Even though the show seemed full of shit sometimes, you can’t help but watch it every time a new episode comes on each week. The title sequence of “Parental Control” played, the stupid rock music and girl playing the drums that looked like it belonged in the 90’s. Why hadn’t they updated their intro by now?

The screen cut to Camila approaching the camera, a beautiful smile on her face. “Hi my name is Camila, I’m seventeen years old. My girlfriend is named Lauren and not only is she gorgeous but she also makes me extremely happy.”

A clip played of Lauren and Camila laughing while Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila from behind, it was actually an extremely adorable sight to watch. You were surprised that her parents didn’t like Lauren.

“For starters, Lauren has become a bad influence on your little angel.” Sinu said on the left half of the screen while clips of Lauren appeared on the right. “A few times we’ve caught our daughter sneaking out in the middle of the night and have gotten calls from teachers that she’s skipped classes.”

“Before Lauren showed up, Camila would neverbreak the rules.” Alejandro added.

“We don’t want our daughter to give in to the temptations that Lauren has faced her with.” Sinu said.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now