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“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Camila mumbled under her breath as she threw out another article of clothing from her suitcase. Her face exuded panic, her eyebrows creased together and her bottom lip caught in between her teeth. All around her, her shared hotel room with her wife/bandmate was a complete mess.

The reason for said mess, was that she couldn’t find her wedding ring. Anywhere.

She and Lauren have only been married for two months, and she was simply terrible at keeping her diamond ring perched on her finger. She was constantly misplacing it and having it slip off her slim finger, seeing as it was a size too big. Lauren offered to have it resized, but Camila refused and insisted she didn’t ’want to be separated from her baby for that long’.

The younger girl cursed herself for being so stubborn. It may have earned her a laugh and a kiss from her wife at the time, but she highly doubted that would be the case this time.

Pushing her hand through her hair as she scanned the messy room, Camila felt her heart rate increase as the door began to open. ‘Shit.’She thought to herself. Lauren wasn’t supposed to be back for at least another two hours – hadn’t she just left for glam?

Her eyes stayed locked on the door as it revealed not her wife, but Dinah. She let out a sigh of relief as her hand rested on her chest to soothe her erratic heartbeat. “Oh thank God its you, I thought you were Lauren.”

Dinah’s eyebrows rose to her hairline and a smirk curled onto her lips as she motioned with her thumb into the hall. “You want me to go get her?”

Camila’s eyes practically bulged out of her face as she shook her head hastily. “NO! Get in here and shut the door!”

Dinah let out a thundering laugh as she did as she was told. Her eyes relaxed on the rest of the room before they widened to almost match her friends. “Damn Chancho, what tornado ripped through here?”

Camila swallowed thickly and brought her hands together, twiddling her thumbs as she continued chewing on her bottom lip. “I.. uhm. Lost my ring.”

Dinah’s jaw dropped at the confession and a mischievous grin rounded onto her lips. “Oh-ho-ho-ho. You’re so dead Chancho. What is this, the third time this week?”

Camila scowled at her intensely and huffed, rubbing a hand over her drowsy face. “You are not helping, Dinah Jane. What are you doing here, anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be down in glam?”

Dinah merely chuckled as she situated herself on the messy bed, crossing her legs and delicately placing both hands on her knees. “As you can see by how fabulous I’m lookin’, I’m finished. They sent me up to get you.” She gave the older girl a onceover before her nose crinkled. “But, considering you’re still in your very revealing peejay’s, you’re not ready yet.”

Camila blew out a breath as her cheeks tinted red. She plucked a pair of Lauren’s sweats from the pile of clothes beneath her and tugged them on, also grabbing one of their shared sweaters. She pulled it on and ran a hand through her hair. “I need to find it before I go down there and face her. I can’t tell her I lost it again, she’ll give me that look that’s just going to make me feel so bad.”

Dinah let out a chuckle and shook her head, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Chancho. I’ll help you find it. When was the last time you had it?”

The Cuban chewed her lip in concentration, trying to remember. “This morning, when I went to the tour bus to get something after we messed around for a while in bed. Maybe it—“

The younger of the two widened her eyes before retracting herself from the bed in a haste, putting a good five feet between herself and the used mattress, making Camila roll her eyes at her actions.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now