Read You Till I Need You (2/2) *

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Shit. Look away. Look away. That had to be a fluke, right? People can’t actually read minds. That’s crazy talk! Now you just look like some freak who blatantly stares at girls. Sure, said girl was basically practicing self-loving on a whole other level right next to you, but regardless, it’s not like she knew it would have that effect, right? Jesus Christ. Let’s just settle this once and for all.

I watched on with an amused smirk plastered on my lips and an eyebrow quirked in question as the girl before me, attempted to subtly turn my way.

Shitttt. She’s still looking at me. Why is she smirking like that? I wish I could wipe that damn thing off… with my lips. Ohmygod, Lauren. Focus. You might have company. Okay, okay. What can I do? Uh… Oh! Blink twice if you can hear me.

Laughter began to brew within me as a satisfied grin made its way across her face like she had just solved all the worlds’ problems. Nevertheless, I did as requested blinking once, then again with emphasis in my movements.

Um.. I heard her draw out in a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Maybe she has something in her eye? She tried to reason. Sighing, I waited patiently for her to continue. Okay, let’s try this again. Camila, if you can hear me, simultaneously pat your head and rub your belly.

Um… she was kidding, right? Here I was, revealing my ability to this girl and she was putting me through some sort of stupid school yard test?! Surely, she was joking. Surely, the power to read minds warranted something a little more prestigious than to be made a fool of for no apparent reason to those who could not witness that interaction between us. It was probably for this reason that the words slipped from my lips without a second thought.

“God, Lauren. This isn’t kindergarten. Are you trying to make me look like an idiot?”

Almost like a carton, green eyes bulged out of her head as the full extent of the situation washed over her likes waves in a storm. Well, that was until they disappeared into nothingness and I was left to catch her limp body as it fell.

What is that light? Is this heaven? Oh my god, have I died? Ow, shit. Heaven freaking burns. Oh, look. An angel! Hey, that angel looks a lot like… Camila?  Oh, fuck.

“Hey,” I tried to say as calmly as possibly. Truth be told, there was nothing calm about this situation as we sat alone in the nurse’s office.

“You kinda like fainted back there and Mr Reid thought we were friends and so he told me to bring you here, even though you’re really not as light as you look. I mean, not saying you’re fat or anything, but way too much for me. I don’t even work out; I just eat a lot of pizza and fan girl over Demi Lovato. Anyway, now we’re here… So, yeh. Hi?”

I wasn’t sure how much of my rambling Lauren had understood considering the majority of it was indecipherable to even my ears. Judging by her silence, I realized it didn’t really matter.

Turning towards the brunette girl, I was met with what I could only describe as complete and utter shock.

“Well, like… you don’t have to be weird about it,” I said trying to remedy the situation. It became quite evident that it didn’t work.

“Are-are you serious? You can read minds and suddenly, I’m the weird one here?” she asked incredulously.

“Lauren! Be quiet,” I shrieked, opening my mind for any neighboring thoughts. Sighing in relief when the nearest voice seemed preoccupied with something about a freshman and too much mystery meatloaf, I tried to reason with the girl before me. “I mean, it’s not that big a deal.”

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now