Guard You with My Life, Hold You in My Heart

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“What do you think about this one?”

Lauren sighed but turned her head towards yet another dress Camila was holding out. The shorter brunette raised her eyebrows in question, waiting. Lauren shrugged instead of answering.

“Do you think maybe you could hurry it up? We’ve been in here for hours now,” the older girl complained. Her feet were growing tired and she was dying to get out of this boutique and get food. She’s been awake since 4 a.m. with nothing in her stomach but a piece of toast. And seeing all the mall goers walking around outside the shop with their Wetzel Pretzels and their Sbarro pizza was not helping her growing appetite. But apparently food was the last thing on Camila’s mind. (For once).

“Don’t rush me,” Camila huffed before turning around to browse through a rack of clothes Lauren could’ve sworn she’s looked through four times already.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Suspicious white male with backpack is exiting food court. Agent Roberts is apprehending. What’s the 20 on Little Dragon?” asked the voice of Lauren’s fellow agent through her earpiece.

“Little Dragon is still in Location 2. Over,” she replied quickly while pressing the button on the device in her ear. She focused her gaze on the door, secretly wishing she could walk right through it and get the hell out of here.

Noticing Lauren not paying attention to the new dress she picked out, Camila rolled her eyes. “You know, when I heard that you were gonna be on my detail today, I had the audacity to get a little bit excited because I thought ‘hey, Lauren is a girl, she might get it!’ But here you are again proving me wrong.”

Lauren chuckled but remained looking at the door. “Get what exactly? All you’re doing is looking for a dress. I don’t see why this couldn’t have been done online.”

“Half the fun of prom shopping is searching through stores to find the dress- I only have prom once, I want everything to be perfect. And everyone knows you can only find the perfect dress in the actual stores.”

“Yeah you’re right- I don’t get it,” Lauren deadpanned.

“Come on Lauren, at least try to have a little bit of fun. For me?” Camila pleaded, stepping in front of her bodyguard, the tiniest little pout playing on her lips.

“I can’t. I’m too busy scoping out potential threats and escapes.”

Camila groaned and turned away from the infuriating brunette. “This is why my friends should have been invited,” she grumbled.

See, Camila would never admit it to her, but she actually really liked being alone with Lauren. The older girl was definitely her favorite out of all of her dad’s agents. She was calming and made Camila feel safe. That and Camila really liked annoying the green eyed Cuban. It was one of her favorite pastimes.

“Yeah the president’s daughter prancing through the mall with her loud ass friends isn’t exactly subtle.” Lauren cringed at the amount of security Camila, Normani, Hailee and Ally would all require. The girls were absolutely insane together. Anytime they went out, they regularly made a game of running away from their assigned Secret Service agents. To Lauren, an outing with Camila’s friends was the definition of a headache.

“Like you’re any less subtle.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Lauren, you’re about as subtle as a knife,” Camila laughed as she continued to look at the dresses on the rack.

“I think I’m blending in quite well,” Lauren said looking down at her clothes. She was wearing her usual all black attire but today opted for a more casual look, choosing to wear jeans and a black bomber jacket instead of the standard suit. Very subtle she decided, nodding approvingly at herself.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now