Just Say Yes

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“Watch out, Lover girl is coming your way.” Normani winks at her. She furrowed her brows, confused for a second before, as if on cue, she heard her name being called.

“Hey, Jauregui!”

Not again. Lauren groans. She hunches further over her breakfast, flattening the silver and blue tie to her chest. She tries her hardest to pretend that some idiot is not calling her name across the Gryffindor table and continues eating. Normani snickers. Lauren kicks her shin under the table. The tan girl’s protests were drowned out by her name being called again. This time it’s louder, closer.

“Hey, Jauregui!”

Lauren rolls her eyes, she turns to the source of the voice and was met with a certain brunette, red and gold scarf draping on her shoulders.

“Can I help you?” Lauren counters, not even hiding the tinge of annoyance in her voice.

“Yeah, you can,” The Gryffindor seeker was all cocky grin, “Go out on a date with me.”

“No.” Lauren deadpans, swiveling back to face the table. “Just like the other billion times I’ve told you.”

“Come on,” Camila coaxes, flopping herself beside the green eyed girl. They were already receiving stares from the other Ravenclaw students, but Camila was not deterred. “Hogsmeade week is coming, just let me take you.”

Lauren fought back an exasperated sigh. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Camila clucks her tongue, “You’re totally missing out, you know.”

“I’m sure.” Lauren says, voice dripping with sarcasm. She checks her watch. Her class will be starting in exactly 30 minutes and she still have to pick up her bags in the dormitory. It’s Defence Against the Dark Arts first thing in a Monday morning with Professor Cowell, and he’s not too keen with the idea of students being late. She cringes at the thought of their glum professor.

She pushes her plate away and stood up, brushing her robe for the non-existent dust. “If you’ll excuse me, I have classes to attend. You know those things? Those things where you don’t turn up to?”

Camila’s smirk turned into a lazy smile, “I’m already smart enough. I don’t need those things,” and that is why Lauren will always say no. The young seeker was just so full of herself.

“Yeah, well, unlike some other people out there, I actually want to do well and pass my O.W.Ls.”

She whips past Camila, not even giving the younger girl a chance to make a comment on how the Ravenclaws are so nerdy.

“I’m gonna make you say yes, Jauregui.” Camila shouts after her.

“I’d like to see you try, Cabello.” Lauren challenges, not once looking back.


It’s not like Camila was not attractive. Lauren was not blind. Normani would sometimes drag her to watch Quidditch practice and Merlin, the young seeker would be damp with sweat causing the uniform to cling on her body tightly. A few strands of hair would stick to her face as her chocolate brown orbs pierces right through her own emerald ones. Camila would constantly glance at her, smirk permanently in place.

Lauren can see it all, and she thinks that Camila Cabello is hot.

But she also thinks that she’s an idiot.

Camila is everything that Lauren despises; lazy, obnoxious and arrogant. Camila was the epitome of trouble. She was known for blowing up potions and hexing people just for the fun of it. So yeah, as much as Lauren finds her attractive, the negative parts of her will always weigh it down.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now