Losing Sleep

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Lauren shifts in the bed for what seems like the hundredth time that night. She groans and rolls over looking at the clock. 3:45 am. Fuck. Lauren shifts to look at her sleeping girlfriend and glares at her as she lets out another loud snore. Fucking hell Cabello do you do this on purpose? Lauren rolls out of bed and heads downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some milk. When she heads back upstairs Camila is still sound asleep, snoring away.

“I’m gonna fucking kill her.” Lauren mumbles slipping back into bed. By the time Lauren falls asleep that night she gets about two hours of sleep before her alarm blares in the morning. Lauren’s head pops up and she groans at the way her eyes sting.

“Morning babe,” Camila says kissing her cheek. Lauren groans and rolls away from her to curl up in a ball. “We’re going to be late for school.”

“I don’t care.” Lauren says into her pillow, pulling the covers over her head.

“Lo, you gotta get up babe,” Camila says poking her ribs, Lauren squeaks and shuffles away from Camila. The younger of the two pokes her raven haired girlfriend again.

“Camila, I swear to god..” Lauren starts but feels a weight on her side. “Camz, get off.”  When Camila doesn’t budge Lauren sighs.

“Okay, fine.” Once Lauren feels Camila’s warm body leave hers, she moves the covers back and sits up to stretch. She lazily follows Camila into the bathroom so that she can take a quick shower and brush her teeth.

“Why are you so grumpy this morning?” Camila asks as she pulls into the schools parking lot. She hears Lauren mumble something about stupid fucking snoring under her breath before she hops out of the car and makes her way into the building, leaving Camila in the car confused.

“Whoa, what’s up with you sleepy head?” Lauren’s friend Dinah asks as she yawns and rubs at her eyes before slamming her locker door shut.

“Camila and her snoring.” Dinah lets out a laugh and feels a sting in her arm from where Lauren punched her.

“Ow, Jesus Lauren. What was that for?”                                                   

“It isn’t funny.”

“Why don’t you just tell her she snores, smarty pants?”

“Oh yeah, ‘hey babe, you snore like a train and it keeps me up at night, would you mind sleeping at home?’ Yeah, that’s definitely something she wants to hear.”

“Well you gotta tell her at some point.”

“Tell who what?” Camila asks walking up to the two girls with their other friend Ally.

“Uh, tell Mani how Dinah feels about her.” Lauren says quickly earning a glare from Dinah.

“Wait, you want Lauren to tell Mani how you feel about her? Why?” The oldest of them all asks.

“See, Dinah’s a little bit of a chicken when it comes to Mani, so she wants me to tell her.” Lauren throws her arm over Ally’s shoulder and looks over to Dinah who mouths ‘I’m going to kill you’ Lauren smiles at Dinah and leans over to pat her on the back.

“Anyways, babe. Let me walk you to first period.” Lauren runs her hand across Camila’s lower back so that her arm ends up around the girl’s waist and starts to walk off.

“Thanks a lot Jauregui.” Dinah yells after them.

“What was that about?”

“I told you-“

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now