Mother's Day *

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*Sexual Content*

“Lauren!” Clara called from downstairs, her voice impatient. “Are you ready?”

“Ready?” Lauren replied. “For what?” She rolled her eyes as she heard her mother walking up the stairs, a door opening furiously.

Clara looked at her daughter in disbelief. “Why aren’t you dressed? We’re going to the Cabello’s for Mother’s Day.”

Lauren’s eyes widened. “What? Why?”

“What do you mean ‘why’? We always go over there when you two girls come home.”

“I know… but—“ Lauren began.

“But nothing. You’re not getting out of this one, Lauren. It’s Mother’s Day. We go where I say.” Clara spoke sternly, crossing her arms.

“We go wherever you say even when it isn’t Mother’s Day.” The teenager groaned. “I want to see Luis.”

Clara shrugged. “You can see him tomorrow. One night with the Cabello’s won’t kill you. You used to love going over there.” Her face remained set. “Before you start with the ‘it’s not the same’ and ‘we’ve been fighting’ stuff, just know I’m not hearing it.”

“But Mom—“

“But nothing.” She repeated, a smug look on her face. “We’re leaving in five minutes.” She turned to leave, but paused. “And you’re coming with us.” With that, the door clicked shut and Lauren fell back onto her bed, a stressed sigh emitting from her. This was going to be one long night.


The car ride was silent, and when they arrived at their door, Lauren remained frigid.

“What’s with you?” Lauren turned to her brother, Chris, who was looking at her confused. “I’ve never seen you so upset over going to Camila’s in your life.”

“I’m not upset.” Lauren snapped, her voice quiet.

Chris chuckled, realization overtaking him. He leaned in, whispering into her ear. “It started again, didn’t it?” He smirked when Lauren pushed him away, shaking his head at the thought.

“Wipe that frown off your face, Lauren.” Clara spoke as they stood waiting for someone to open the door. “I’m not frowning.” Lauren scoffed.

Her father grimaced at her, turning back a little to face her. “You will be if you keep this attitude up. We’re going to be here for a couple of hours; deal with it.”

“Maybe if you just left me at home—“ Lauren argued back, starting an uproar in the family. Lauren was arguing with her dad while Clara began to yell at Lauren as well, which didn’t go over with Taylor, who was trying to get everyone off of Lauren’s back. Chris stood, watching, amused, his smile bigger than ever as he saw Camila open the door. He had to hold back laughter as they both watched the family unfold in front of them.

“Welcome.” Camila’s voice radiated through the small crowd, bringing everyone’s attention to her. She was leaning against the door frame, her gaze remaining on Lauren, as her family silently filed their way in, embarrassed at what she witnessed.

As everyone greeted each other, Lauren stayed back, speaking only when she was spoke to in short replies, her words bitter. Nevertheless, Camila’s family didn’t notice the coldness in her stance, either that or they didn’t mind, as they all sat down for dinner.

When Camila took a seat next to Lauren, the bothered girl shot up, offering Taylor her seat as she went to ‘help’ Sinu in the kitchen. Camila chuckled softly at her actions, having no problem engaging Taylor in conversation.

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