I Love Nutella

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Camila was ready to jump on her king-sized bed to watch Netflix when her phone rang.

“Hey, Camz.”

“Hey!” Camila said confused to why Lauren would have called her, she said twenty minutes ago she was going to take a nap during the afternoon, and Lauren’s naps aren’t usually so short,

“what’s up?” she asked siting on her bed with her legs crossed and with her free hand she was scrolling down her tumblr’s dash, on her laptop, where Friends was ready to be watched at any moment soon.

“So, you know I’ve needed to go to the dentist to remove my wisdom teeth…” Lauren started, “my mom scheduled for today and we have that paper due Friday… and also, I hate needles.” she said and Camila took a few seconds to answer.

“But you have a tattoo, Lauren.” Camila responded between a chuckle about the girl hating needles but had payed someone to be inked over her skin by needles.

“I know… but it’s different.”

“Yes, sure.” she laughed at her best friend. “So what’s up with the paper, needles and wisdom tooth?” Camila asked not really understanding the connection

“Ok, so you are coming with me to the dentist, because my mom is busy and someone needs to drive me home,” she starting explaining her already made plans to the brown eyed, “and as we didn’t do much about the paper yesterday because you kept finding even the less interesting thing on tumblr to catch our attention,” she heard Camila’s chuckle on the other side of the line and smiled to herself because of it, “I was thinking about you sleeping over here, or I can sleep over there, and we can end it, tonight, because tomorrow I won’t be available, I have softball practice until late,” she explained her reasons, Camila already knew that that though, “but I’ll be a little dizzy probably because of the surgery, but I can’t let you do it all alone.” she completed, waiting for Camila’s response.

“What time is it your appointment?” Camila asked quickly and Lauren knew her friend was already on board of the planned-Thursday.

“In an hour.” Lauren answered looking at the clock on her kitchen’s wall, she was sitting at the kitchen island, enjoying some food until she could.

“Ok, I’ll pick you up then, and later we can come here, my parents are going to be out almost all day and Sofi is at Sam’s house, so we’ll have the living room’s TV all to us.” she said happily. She has her own TV on her bedroom, but both love when they are alone at Camila’s house and can watch movie after movie on the big screen of the living room, with endless popcorn beside them and the loud volume.

“We’re going to study, Camz…” Lauren laughed on the other side of the line and Camila left out a loud growl in frustration by the reminder.

“Yes… right.” she chuckled right after.

“Ok, so wait for me outside, in thirty minutes. I don’t want to keep waiting, do you her me Jauregui?” Camila asked seriously-joking.

“Yes, Cabello, I hear you clearly.” Lauren responded on the same manner. Lauren is really responsable and punctual, but when it comes to go out with Camila she always takes a bit longer to get ready, is just something that happens, for no reason apparent is what she says to Camila.

“Ok, bye Lolo.” the brown eyed girl said and hung up the phone.

Camila and Lauren are friends since they were eight years old, when Camila’s cousin, Dinah, made them start talking because Lauren was her friend and she wanted to play with both and pretend to be bakers together one day at her house. At first Camila was jealous that Lauren was receiving a big part of Dinah’s attention.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now