More Than My Own Life (1/2)

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Camila kneeled down in front of the grey tombstone, her head falling down as she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath as her hand moved up to touch the top of the tombstone, her bottom lip quivering the second she did so.

“You promised me you wouldn’t,” She whispered quietly, her voice broken.

The younger girl had recently lost her boyfriend of two years. They had met on a plane, both of them heading home from Cuba where Camila’s parents lived. They had hit off right away and when they came home, they continued talking for two months until they decided to make it official and they hadn’t left each others sides since then.

Until, that day her boyfriend, Lucas had decided to volunteered to help down in Afghanistan. No matter how many times Camila tried to tell him no, he was dead set on helping. He had made her one promise though, that he wouldn’t leave. He would come back to her and he would marry her.

“Please come back,” She had to bite down on her the palm of her hand to hold the noises that tried escaping her mouth. She had promised herself to be strong, but it was much harder than she thought. It was the first time she had visited his tombstone since he died two months ago, it was basically the first time Camila had moved from her couch since his funeral. “I beg you, come back to me.”

She almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder and she knew immediately who it was when she felt a head rest on her shoulder.

 “I told you not to come her alone, Mila,” Her best friend whispered, hating seeing the smaller girl in as much as she was in right now.

“I’m fine,” She breathed, her eyes betraying her as she turned her head to read the tombstone, her face scrunching up and her vision getting blurry as tears started welling up in her eyes. “He did nothing wrong. He was a good man,” She said, her head falling down in her hands.

Dinah pulled the smaller girl into her arms and nodded her head. “I know, sweetheart.”

Camila placed her hand on his tombstone again, her eyes falling down to the tattoo on her arm and she could feel the stinging in her eyes again remembering the day they both took this tattoo together.

“More than my own life…”


Camila was sitting on her balcony with her favorite book How To Kill A Mockingbird. She looked up at the sky and smiled to herself when she studied the stars. She had always been quite fascinated by the sky and she would always sit out on her balcony every night before she went to sleep.

As she continued to look up, she saw something she had never ever seen with her own eyes before. It happened so quickly she barely had a chance to react, but she did see it, a shooting star.

Aren’t you supposed to make a wish then?

She shrugged her shoulders and she squeezed her eyes shut and brought her book up to cover her face as she thought of her wish.

I want my other half back.

Camila stood up when she was satisfied with her wish, not that she actually believed something would happen anyway. She took her blanket and book with her as she walked inside again, turning every light off before going upstairs.

The very next day when the brown-eyed girl walked downstairs she found a note on her fridge and rolled her eyes when she saw her bestfriend’s handwriting telling her that she had borrowed all of her milk so she would have to buy some more. Which was another attempt of actually getting Camila out of her apartment.

“Fine. You win, Dinah,” She muttered to herself as she turned around to go and get dressed. She would make everyone satisfied by leaving her apartment for a few hours and they would stop bugging her about it.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now