My Love for You was Bulletproof

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Did you know that people suspect you and Lauren are dating?”

Camila looked up from her book with furrowed eyebrows and feigned confusion and just the right amount of surprise to convince everyone in the room that she was totally not aware of the current rumors. Dinah had just came through the door, blurting out the question so casually, as if she were asking what day it was.

What?” Camila emphasized, incredulously staring Dinah in the eyes.

Dinah nodded, not a particular emotion on her face. “Yeah, I know. Pretty awkward, right?”

Everything was peacefully still until Dinah had walked in; Normani was sprawled out on the couch by the window, occupied with whatever she was doing on her phone, and Camila had been rapt in another one of her precious books.

“I heard about that,” Normani chimed in. “Thought it was a little bit weird to bring up though.” She shot Dinah a sharp, speculative look, and her last sentence was boldly snide to imply that maybe Dinah shouldn’t have brought up such a topic.

Camila’s eyes shifted from the two girls as she her lips together. There was still a faint look of surprise within her expression, and she began to wonder if she were faking too hard. She shook her head and said, “That’s a dumb assumption. I mean, Lauren and I are friends. Just that. Just very close friends… You know it kind of makes me sick that some people would think of us like that.”

Lies. All lies, Camila thought. She wasn’t fond of lying, yet when it came down to it, she was skilled in the whole lying area.

“Right,” Dinah agreed softly, clearing her throat moments after. “Speaking of Lauren, why has she been acting odd lately?”

“No. The real question is: where is she? Because she has my phone charger and my phone is about to die,” Normani squawked.

“Her and Ally went out shopping.”

“Really? I’m surprised. She hasn’t really wanted to be around any of us for the past week.”

“Lauren didn’t want Ally to go with her. Ally had to beg so she’d let her go. Ally told me she was going to try to get her to talk about what’s bothering her. I don’t think Lauren will spill, though. Which brings me back to my question. The two of you know why she’s been acting distant?” Dinah asked again. She took a seat in the small chair across from Camila.

Camila closed her book, realizing that she wasn’t going to be getting any more reading done any time soon. Normani shrugged and sat up, placing her now dead phone on the coffee table in front of her.

“I haven’t noticed anything strange with Lauren. Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Camila answered, obviously playing dumb.

Dinah rolled her eyes. “Really now? You didn’t notice how at the interview yesterday she barely said no more than five words? I know she’s never as talkative as you Camila, but she usually says something.

Camila was starting to feel uneasy, and a knot soon made its home in her throat, making it hard for her to swallow. There was a sharp pain in her chest as she remained quiet and thought of Lauren, her ex as of last week. But no one else knew of that. It was their little secret.

They’d kept there very intimate relationship secret for about seven months, and right before the tragic breakup Lauren had been acting very cautious around Camila, afraid that their secret would soon no longer be a secret. The rumors made Lauren paranoid, but they didn’t bother Camila as much.

“I would think you’d know since you two are thick as thieves.”

“Nope. I don’t know anything, alright?” Camila snapped accidentally.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now