Grumpy Camila Sucks

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It was 1 in the morning when Lauren finally decided to go back home from Keana’s reunion party.  Ever since she saw Keana, her college best friend, at a local bar, the two have kept in touch and have been unbreakable, bringing back their close bond just like the old days.  The two enjoyed each other’s company but a certain someone certainly disapproves of their close relationship.

Lauren quietly entered her apartment and placed her car keys on the kitchen counter.  She slowly but surely opened the bedroom door, careful not to wake her girlfriend up.  Lauren knows that if Camila was still awake, a whole meaningless argument would happen again. It always happens when Keana’s involved.

Seeing that Camila was comfortably asleep, back facing her, Lauren climbed in their shared bed after changing her clothes. She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s waist, smelling her scent.  She smiled in contentment and kissed her girlfriend’s shoulder. 

Lauren loved all of Camila and she doesn’t understand why Camila gets so jealous when Lauren was obviously whipped for her, even Camila’s best friends couldn’t deny the fact.  Lauren brushed off the thought, closing her eyes, drifting off to dreamla-

“Where have you been?” Camila spoke, startling the dark haired girl at her back.

“Uhh… from a party,” Lauren replied, staying in place.

Camila got up and sat on the bed to face Lauren, “Lauren…” she started, furrowing her eyebrows.  She knew Lauren wasn’t telling her something.  She wanted more information.

“I swear it’s just a college reunion party.  I had a few drinks and that’s it,” Lauren sighed heavily, burying her head deeper on the pillow and closed her eyes.  She was exhausted but she knew a jealous Camila was starting up so she reached for girlfriend’s hand and gently held it, eyes still closed.

“At Keana’s?” Camila questioned.  She knew there had to be a Keana in the story.  There had always been a Keana in the story.  And she hated the thought of her.  Camila gritted her teeth.

“Mhmm,” Lauren mumbled, trying not to make a big deal out of it because she was sure as hell her girlfriend would.

Camila pulled her hand away from Lauren’s, causing the older girl to open her eyes.

Lauren only giggled in amusement. “My girlfriend is so cute,” she thought, staring at Camila’s grumpy face. “Camz, it’s not a big deal,” Lauren bit her lip to control herself from smiling because she knew it would only make Camila angrier but she couldn’t help but see how cute her jealous grumpy girlfriend was right now.

Camila rolled her eyes.  “You’re not sleeping here tonight,” she said seriously and pulled the pillow from under Lauren’s head.

“Are you being serious right now?” Lauren only laughed and sat up.

“Yes,” Camila stood up, holding the pillow tightly in her arm, and pointed to the bedroom door, “Get. Out.”

“This is my room too, you know?”

Camila glared at her in reply.  Lauren just stared at her cute girlfriend. Camila shifted her eyes from Lauren to the door and back to the green eyes. 

“Okay you know what? Fine,” Lauren stood up in defeat. See how whipped she was?  She didn’t want to cause more drama in the situation. The green eyed girl walked to the door as Camila followed to lead her out. Lauren stopped her tracks right outside the bedroom door and faced Camila, “Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?” she pouted.

Camila looked at her girlfriend with an annoyed expression. “No,” she simply said and shut the door.

Lauren scoffed and walked to the living room couch. “If I wake up with neck cramps, I’m blaming you!” she said aloud, making sure that the brunette in the other room could hear her.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now