Chapter 30

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*Jade's Pov*

I slowly tapped Logan, trying to get a reaction from his frozen body. He was frozen in place, not moving a single inch despite all the reactions I was trying to get from him. 

The furrow in my brow deepened when I looked over to see if I was just being delusional. Just like Logan, everyone else in the room was frozen in place. I cautiously walked from person to person, to study them to see if anything could explain this. Everyone was stuck in mid-action. As if time stopped.

A little robotic noise clicked behind me just as I was about to go outside and call for help. There was... some kind of rectangular, white, glowing door behind me. I took slow steps as I walked over to the thing, cautiously drawing closer to it. A feeling of deja vu swept through me as I looked at the glowing rectangle.

Another robotic noise clicked to my right. I swiftly turned my head and found "To Be Continued" in glowing letters.

I waved my hands through the letters. Each of them stayed in place and seemed undisturbed by my touch.

A booming voice swept over the room. The voice took me by surprise, but I quickly got relieved when I realized who the voice belonged to–Scarlet.

"The moment the main character recognized the fiction, the world inside the comic stopped. Only Kang Chul was the lone survivor in a world where time had been suspended—like a punishment brought down on the one who was self-aware." She said, sadness coloring her voice.

I soaked in what she said and the situation slowly made sense. I mean not fully, I was still really confused, but it made more sense now. Time stopped in this world, and because I was the only one who knew that this world isn't the real world, I was the only one not frozen.

The lights suddenly turned off, and the bright glow of the rectangle door thingy caught my attention.

I walked over to it, curious to what it was. I stared into the glowing rectangle, shocked to see a realistic drawing of a boy with black hair. I picked up my hand to touch it, only to realize the drawing was me. It made so much sense now. The drawing was me. The panicked look, the furrow in the eyebrows and the glint of determination in the eyes of the comic drawing proved that it was me.

I slowly reached out into the glowing rectangle, curiosity burning within me. I seeped my right hand softly into the glowing thing, reaching out to see what was on the other side.

Deja Vu instantly hit me like a train as soon as my hands went through the other side. I closed my eyes as a sense of dizziness swept over me, a handful of memories and flashbacks ran through me.

I opened my eyes with shock and instinctively pulled my hand back, gasping at the flashback. I remember now why the glowing rectangle door seemed so familiar...because I had seen it before.

Yes, I remember now. I was on the hotel rooftop after being shot and stabbed brutally and suddenly saw the same glowing rectangle. I was on the verge of dying and thought it might have done something, so I reached over and pulled out something. No, it wasn't a thing, I remember it screaming when I pulled it out. It was a someone. Whoever it was, they were so panicked at the sight of me, and they carried a feminine smell and a soft voice.

Scarlet. I pulled out Scarlet from the glowing door thing. And Scarlet said that she was from another world.

If my guess is correct...this glowing door is the portal to Scarlett's world. Which according to her, is the "real" world.

I stepped back, thinking carefully about what I should do.

Excitement and adrenaline course through me, but fear seeped into me.

If I go out there, I'll be in the real world. I'll see the person who made me suffer for 17 years. The thought of the idea made my blood boil and rage.

I grit my teeth and clenched my jaw.

17 years. For 17 years, I suffered with pain, depression and the brutality of life. I I thought I was just having extremely bad luck, back to back. But no, I was being purposely tortured by an artist for his own selfish needs. I could have been in a comedy or a slice of life or a happy comic. But no, I was destined to be in a brutal murder comic. The author purposely tortured me and made me suffer so he could make his comic famous.

I bet he's all happy and satisfied with the fact that his comic is famous; But I'm here, suffering and constantly wanting to die.

I let the rage take over my body, knowing well that I'll need it when I go to Scarlet's world. I walk over the the nearest security guard and pull out their gun, gripping the handle hard.

You ruined my family, my life, my existence, my will to ruined everything for me.

When I get my hands on the author who did this to me, he'll be slowly tortured till death.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the portal and to Scarlet's world.

Hi! Please check out my other wattpad: "Our Dark Duo"

Thank you! See you in the next chapter! 

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