Chapter 1

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It's called "Our Dark Duo" plz check it out!

The bright sunglight hit my eyes as soon as soon as I opened them. The sound of my alarm clock dying out just made me aware that it's exactly 7:30..the exact time the Bx12 bus leaves my stop, which means I'll be late to school!  

I didn't even have enough time to finish the breakfast my brother made for me when I ran out the door. I was half-eating and running both at once. I nearly tripped over my foot a few times. My heart beat was at its fullest as I sped to school. It's about 30 minutes away, and despite the fact that I have legs to walk to it, I use the bus because I'm too lazy. 

My feet hit the hard cement as I skidded to a stop when I drew near South Benofield High School. My breath came out in hard, full puffs of air as I stopped at glance at the time. Damnit, it's 7:58. I let out a groan as I realized I only got two more minutes left. My feet jumped up one flight of stairs to get to the elevator, and I slipped into the very first one available. I still got six more flights to go before I got to my class. 

As soon as the elevator came to a stop I leaped off and sprinted to class. Sweat matted my hair to the sides of my face. I felt some sweat trickle down my neck in small motions. I slowly stepped into biology, and tried to make myself unnoticed as I slipped in, only to trip and fall on my knees. Not even the cool AC air could have cooled down my blushing cheeks as I got up. I instantly spotted Ellis and Jaimely, who are my best friends since kindergarten, as they patted an empty chair between them, inviting me to sit.  

Mrs. Nonol noticed my steps and whipped out her watch. "Miss Ankist, you are...2 minutes late. Care to explain? " She narrowed her eyes. I felt a hot flush creep it's way through my neck and into my face. I chewed on my lower lip. 

"Mrs. Nolon, I missed the bus. " I said softly. She nodded in response. Ellis sticked out his tongue behind Mrs. Nolon. I covered up a laugh. 

She heaves a slow sigh. "Ms. Ankist, since this is you're first time being late, I'll let this go. "

I felt sweet relieve pour through me she pushed down her watch. "Oh. Thank yo– "

"As, you know, " she interrupted, an eerie look seeped into her. "Students only get three late  excuses like this. Although you are two minutes late, late is still late. " Jamely shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I will only accept you being late, for a petty excuse like this, twice more. " She pulled out a bright pink detention slip out of her folder. "The fourth time, it's one of these. " She said, her voice thick with seriousness. She shoved the detention slip into her folder and laid her eyes on her work. 

"Yes, I understand. " I clenched my teeth as I nodded. This level of control is too much. "I'm sorry for being late. I'll try my best to not let it happen again." I muttered, anger bored into me. 

Mrs. Nonol shook her head, a smile spread over her face. "No, I understand. People are late once in a while. You know what, since you're only two minutes late, and this is your first time being late, I'll let this one pass. " She agreed. "Just try not to let it happen again. " She compromised. 

I nodded and slipped into my seat. Jaimely waited for Mrs. Nonol to turn away, and she intsantly started ranting. 

"Oh my lord. Does she ever change? " She fumed. Jaimely has always been the one to rant and get agitated on the smallest things. 

"I mean, she is single. This would explain why.  " Ellis humored. He's always been the one to make a joke at moments like these, so all of the intensity dissolves into nothing. 

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