Chapter 28

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*Jade's Pov*

I watch in pure shock as Scarlet's body erases itself, each part of her body turned into pixels, then turned into a comic character version of her, before she disappeared into thin air. 

Guards rushed over to tell her her time is up, but they only find the air empty where she should have been. Panic rises in them as they search for her, carefully searching her seat and all the possible hiding places that she could have gone to. A few officers touch my shoulder to ask me where she could have gone, but I have no response to provide them with. 

I can't think at all. 

My whole life...from my birth onto now...every single mistake, every unfortunate event, every death, every happy moment and every single second of it...was all a comic. My life is being controlled by a man, every single part of it. Every single time I had to suffer from nightmares and suffer from being framed, all those times I got the harsh taste of sadness...was all his fault. I could have been given a happy life, but the author just didn't want that. He didn't want me to live peacefully and well. 

I'm just a comic book character. 

Scarlet was right. I regret her telling me everything. 

*Scarlet's Pov*

I continue sitting down on my bedroom floor as thoughts hurl through my head. Jade finally found out almost the whole truth behind me. Knowing him, he's probably so overwhelmed right now...I don't blame him. 

I slowly crawl up and sit on my bed. My head is starting to overflow with dizziness, the yearning for fresh air takes over me. 

I slowly make my way outside and inhale the warm oxygen.  

I feel so guilty right now. Poor Jade. He's only 17 and he's already gone through so much. 

I shouldn't have gotten involved with him. He's in so much burden right now because of me. 

But now, at least I don't have to go to that world anymore. I don't have to deal with the worries that I regularly have when I go to that world. But...I can't describe the feeling that I'm feeling. I don't know why, but I feel so empty.

It's almost as if I miss him. 

I brush off the thought as soon as it lands on me, but the flutter in my heart stays.

Am I crushing on him?

Oh my god.

I can't be crushing on Jade Doltin.

"Scarlet Ankist! " A voice called out. I look to my left only to find my brother running towards me, breathless.

"Did..." he had little breath left "...did that really happen to you? I read the latest chapter. "

He studied me before concluding, "You did! Oh my god...did you actually go to jail? Why are you wearing that uniform outside! People are going to get suspicious. I swear to god, you're such an idiot. "

I glanced at my clothing, just then remembering that I still had the jail uniform still on. I looked around nervously, only to find some people staring at me and whispering.

My brother grabbed my hand and we quickly ran back home before there could be a scene.

As soon as we were inside, he threw me the most confused glance ever.

"You were only gone for a few minutes. " He stated.

"What, really? No, I was gone for around a week. " I corrected him.

"That was in W. You were gone for around for around only 5 minutes in this world. " Earl said.

"Oh. "

Earl rustled through the closet next to us before handing me a clean, casual dress.

"This all happened when I drove to dad's workshop. Which is only around 5 minutes from here. "

My dad's workshop is a bigger version of his bedroom. The most important possession in his bedroom is his precious tablet. He has two, the one in his bedroom where he only draws in, which is the white tablet, but can't upload any episodes in, and the one in his workshop which he can both draw and upload it, which is silver. Basically, if he loses his silver tablet he can't upload any more episodes. Which is why he keeps his silver tablet in his workshop, because it's so precious. 

I walked away with the dress in my hands.


Luis sat in his seat, sipping on his blood red wine. 

Luis Montogre is the current chairmen of city, New York. He is loved by everyone for his sweet and charming personality. Everyone respects him for his attractive personality. He's 42, and so far has the love of all children and parents and seniors. He throws events every single week to help the people of his city and has helped every one in need. Thanks to him, the number of homeless people in the streets decreased singificantly. 

Amazing person right?


He's actually a cold hearted, cruel person. 

And he's about to ruin lives. 

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