Meet The Vamps

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Another rainy Monday in London. In the beginning, it was tough for me to familiarize with this kind of weather because where I came from it's completely opposite. That's not a negative point necessarily but sometimes I miss those sunny days. 

When the taxi parked in front of the photographic studio I work I could feel the cool breeze touching my cheeks and making it reddish. As soon as I entered the room I reached for my notebook where I write the things I have to do on each day and I heard my boss Serena calling me.

— Y/n, the model's shoot was confirmed today. Arya is sick so I need you to take care of a band's shoot this afternoon. — I didn't have time to ask what band it would be. Serena went straight to her office. 

Most days were like this. Some people didn't like her manners but, honestly, I had nothing to complain about. It was her who gave me the opportunity to work in this studio, one of the biggest in London, taught me more than ever about what was just a hobby before and allowed me to work the way I thought it'd be the best without interfering unless it really was necessary. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably still be a nanny who just arrived in England. Maybe I would not reach my dream of growing up and stabilizing myself in this city. Things are not so easy when you are foreign and newbie in a country. There are many difficulties to be faced, from adaptation to acceptance and recognition.

The day passed relatively quickly. I photographed the model who was scheduled for the day and edited her photos for the catalog while the band didn't arrive. 16h30min and they didn't have appeared yet, half an hour late, out of English punctuality. I took one more sip of my tea as I stared the city through the window. It never stops to amaze me, it still looks like a dream I don't wanna wake up.

I heard the door opening and I saw Serena with four guys. I finished my tea and left my mug on my table. I walked in their direction with a smile on my face, greeting every one of them. — Y/n, meet The Vamps' boys. Boys, Y/n will be your photographer today. As I said, Arya has the flu and couldn't come to work today. — She smiled confidently for them as I tried to contain my excitement about shooting the band. I knew who they were even if they were just starting their career. Serena looked at me a bit more serious now. — Stay until you're finished. I'll give you one of the keys, you're going to be responsible to lock the studio today. — I nodded and saw her disappear. It's nice to know her trust in me keep growing. Serena and Arya believed in me and on my potential, feels really good working with them.

— Are you ready to start? — The four answered me a "yeah!" in unison. I guess they are just as excited as me. I guided them to the photographic studio and put some songs on my cellphone, choosing a playlist and putting it on random. I really like working with some music on.

The session with the boys was really fun, I really can't say which one is the funniest. I absolutely loved the way they interacted with each other and made the pictures seem so spontaneous. None of us noticed the time before we finished.

— And that's a wrap, guys! I got everything I needed.

— Wow! It's already night! — Connor said.

— Time flies when you're having fun. – I said as I smiled and they agreed smiling to me.

— I guess the least we can do is paying your dinner. We were late and made you stay until now working on a Friday night. – Brad said and the boys agreed.

— Hey, that's my job! You really don't need to worry about that. I had a really nice time with you and the pictures look great. — I answered sincerely but they didn't accept until I agreed on going out and have pizza with them. Obviously, I didn't complain. They're handsome, funny and around the same age as me. Who wouldn't enjoy a Friday night ending like this?

Well, the thing is that after the pizza we became friends, true friends. We hang out a lot, go to each others house and chat all day even if they were on tour. They became my Family in England. They are the closest of this I had in a very long time and will continue to because the airplanes tickets are really expensive and I'll probably won't be able to visit my family in a while.

Pizza night was just the beginning of a friendship and our stories together.

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