Banana Pancakes

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I heard knocks on the door again, mingling with the noise of the rain coming from the window and I took a deep breath.

— I already told you to leave!

— Room service. — I frowned uncomprehendingly or recognized the voice, perhaps Brenda had asked an employee to bring breakfast, even though I knew I did not want to eat. I got up from the bed, dragging myself to the door, my body seemed to weigh a ton.

— Blake? — I looked surprised at the brunette at my door, he smiled and showed the breakfast tray in hand while the guitar was hanging by the strap on his shoulder.

— I was told that you did not want to go down to eat so I brought it to you. He chuckled, watching me as I did not know how to react. I just wished I had not bloated my face from crying so he would not notice. — Can I enter? — I nodded, giving him room to enter the space and closed the door.

— You didn't need to worry... Really. — He sat on my bed, setting the tray on top of her, and slapped his hand on his side so I could sit there too.

— Of course I do. You can not go without food. By the way, have you taken any medicine for what you are feeling? — He questioned me and I smiled yellowly, nodding, of course, but glad that Brenda had invented something for them. I wish I had a cure for it, that it would make me feel better. — Well, Brenda told me some things you like to eat so I tried to bring some of everything. I did not find banana pancakes, just normal ones, but. — He paused, pulling the guitar with a smile on his face. — I brought the guitar. — I frowned uncomprehendingly and chuckled, then heard the first notes of Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes.

Well, can't you see that it's just raining?

There ain't no need to go outside

But, baby, you hardly even notice when I try to show you this

Song is meant to keep you from doing what you're supposed to

Wakin' up too early

Maybe we could sleep in. Make you banana pancakes, pretend like its the weekend now

And we could pretend it all the time

Can't you see that it's just raining? There ain't no need to go outside

He smiled at me, pointing at the food with his head so that I began to eat, making me roll my eyes before eating the pancakes with the fruit on top of it and the syrup.

But just maybe, hala ka ukulele

Mama made a baby

Really don't mind to practice cause you're my little lady

Blake winked at me as he smiled, making me smile with him, feeling my cheeks flush. He continued to sing and I could only think how grateful I was that he came to my room at a time like this, he did not even know the reason but was bringing some light to this rainy day, that kind of light that warms the heart. It is not as if everything I have experienced this morning has disappeared, it is only as if he had moved away from me and I felt better, anesthetized, I would say. Maybe I was making the wrong decision, maybe I should stay with Blake. I thought about what James had said to me that time, the difference between saying and doing, and how I believed that there would be no tiebreaker. But today, they showed me that yes, it was possible to break into this stage, I just had not noticed before.

— Blake? — I called his attention as he set the guitar aside after the song ended. — Thank you for everything, it means a lot to me. — I smiled sincerely at him, receiving a smile back. Blake pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly as he laid a kiss on my head.

— I would do anything to see you well. — He lowered his gaze to me as he spoke and smoothed some strands of my hair with his fingers softly. — I hope you're feeling better. — At that moment, I felt calm, enjoying his caress while his arms seemed to be my safe haven, a place where I wanted to be, that made me feel untouched by negative things, as if nothing really bad could happen at that moment as long that I was there, in his arms as the rain fell softly outside. I sighed low, lightly squeezing my body into his as I closed my eyes for a moment. — Is everything alright? — He questioned me.

— Yes, thanks to you. — I lifted my face to look at him and smiled, kissing his lips long while my hand caressed his cheek with his thumb. It felt good to feel his soft lips on mine after all, intensifying all the security I felt with him. — I really do not know how to thank you enough. — I whispered with my lips still close to his and he smiled at the corner, briefly sealing my lips again.

— You don't need to.

— Yes, I do. — I grabbed a grape and brought it to his mouth while smiling. — Now, let's eat. Blake, seriously, how many people did you think was going to feed? — I laughed along with him as I looked again at the variety on the breakfast tray. — There's food for a battalion here.

— You know your fame. — He laughed and I gaped at him, pretending to be offended. — It's a joke, beautiful. I just really did not know what you would want to eat because you were feeling bad. Besides, I did not work on it myself, Brenda helped me out so, if there's too much food, blame her. — He said before eating a piece of pancake.

— Of course she was involved in it. — I rolled my eyes, taking a small sip of my orange juice, chuckling. I felt so lucky at that moment to have them both with me, I really do not know what I would have done this morning without them. — What time do you need to go to the interview? I don't want you to be late. — Blake looked at the watch on his wrist and turned his attention to me.

— In half an hour. But, I promise, as soon as I get back, I'll check on you, okay? — He kissed my cheek and I smiled. — I know you'll be in good hands until I get back. — He winked at me, referring to Brenda. We both did not have to accompany them in the interview, lucky me. Brenda had already separated the clothes that each of them would wear and left with the team so she didn't have to be present either. The initial idea was to take a walk around the city, meet some places while they were busy, but after this morning, I really do not know if I want to leave this room so soon.

After a while, Blake needed to go then I accompanied him to the door.

— See you later. — He smiled and kissed my lips again while he caressed my waist.

— See you! — I smiled at him as he walked away, only then noticing Brad was standing in front of the elevator. I frowned and felt my stomach churn, he must have seen Blake kiss me. For a moment I felt bad for him, it was not something I wanted him to see. Throughout this period I avoided this kind of situation, but after seeing him with the two girls in his room, part of me tried not to care what he felt at that kiss. It was hard not to care, even after all. He was my best friend, the guy I was in love with, who's always been there for me, been my family ever since I got to Queen's Land, and I was not the kind of person who would do anything purposefully to hurt him because of This morning, I'm not vindictive. This does not mean that I have forgiven him and I am ready to move on, to renew our friendship and to act as if nothing had happened, it is not that simple. I wanted it to be, but it's not. We both know that nothing will be as before, not even our friendship.

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