Cold water

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Being unemployed was like being on vacation but in a bad way. You do not have much money, you have nothing to do and your friends are all busy working. Technically I'm not unemployed, but that's how I feel until the tour starts.

I was basically all day in the boys' house, clinging to whoever was free. Whether it was watching movies, playing video games or idly in the company of one of them, most activities involved food, of course.

— Tris, when are you going to get tired of getting your ass kicked by me in Mortal Kombat? — I looked up at him, laughing as my Scorpion gave another fatality to his Sub-Zero. Tristan sank onto the sofa, snorting.

— That's not fair! You're always Scorpion.

— I bet I can beat you with another character.

— Maybe later. Now I'm going to rest these beautiful hands. — He ran his hand in front of my face and left, making me laugh. He was one of a kind. Always good to be around him. He's someone who makes you laugh easily.

I turned off the video game and walked around the house to see who was free now. It was terrible to do that, but it was the reality. Connor was asleep, James fumbling on his guitar and he hated being stopped at that moment. So I decided to look for Brad again. The last time I checked he was busy with something from the record company. His bedroom door was ajar, and I could hear him sing under some music as he played some notes on the guitar, deciding to go quietly.

I approached the bed, hugging him from behind, placing a kiss on his neck, feeling his skin shiver against my lips, which made me smile.

— Hey...

— Hey you! — He smiled at me, releasing the guitar to caress my arms around him, giving it a kiss. — I'm sorry I almost did not stay with you today. There was a lot going on there.

— Advantages of being unemployed. — I joked and laughed as I lay in bed. He knew I did not like the situation of not working.

— You are not unemployed. — He laughed as he looked at me. — And it's been nice to have you here. It'll be even better on the tour.

— I hope I can have more time with you, even though I know that this pre-tour season is always in turmoil. — He caressed my arm and gave me a tight lip smile.

— Me too. Really. — He sighed. — You can sleep here and maybe we can watch a movie later. — He bent over and gave me a quick kiss, muttering under his breath when he heard the phone ring again. — I'm sorry, I need to answer this. — As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the phone and I got out of bed, kissed his face, waved to him as he left the room. It was better to go home and let him work in peace.

On my way home I got a call from Blake.

— Hey! What are you up to tonight?

— Apparently staying on my couch, eating and watching Netflix. — I giggled.

— Why don't you come here??

— I'm coming. — I asked the taxi driver to change the route, heading for the NHC boys' house. It was not too far away so the driver did not have to deviate so much from the road.

When I got home they were eating pizza and drinking, so I joined them. We talked about funny situations that we had already experienced and I never stopped to think about how many I had to tell. Reece and I both laughed until we cry. I do not know exactly why but my eyes always tear easily when I start to laugh and apparently Reece goes through the same.

— Once, I was going to visit a friend in her apartment and I went into the wrong apartment. The guy was wearing underwear in the living room! Can you imagine the size of my shame?

— What?? How? — George was shocked while the others laughed.

— My friend always left the door unlocked when she knew I would go there. Turns out the elevator stopped on a different floor before and I did not realize it. To my bad luck, this boy had the same craze as leaving the door open. — I ran my hand over my face, laughing as I remembered all the embarrassment of that situation.

After a while, Reece and George decided to go to sleep. It was not late, but they were tired and left me with Blake in the room.

— I was informed that you will accompany us on this tour. It's gonna be awesome! — Blake smiled at me and I smiled back nodding.

— I can not wait to start working with all of you, really.

— Tour life is fun and crazy, you' ll love it. — He winked at me as he nodded his head.

— Speaking of crazy and fun, do not you want to swim? — I raised my eyebrows as I laughed. It was not cold but there was also no heat to enter the pool, even more at night when the weather gets cooler.

— You are crazy! It should be around 17 ° outside. — He laughed, stroking his hair.

— Come on, don't be such an antiquated! — I laughed, already getting up from the couch, walking to the backyard of their house. I paused at the door and looked at him. — The last to come will pay the first drink of the tour.

Blake got up and I ran off as I laughed. Luckily I left my cell phone on the couch because, without thinking twice, I jumped in the cold water, followed by him.

— Colder than I thought. I laughed as I saw Blake leaping into the pool, trying to warm up.

— I do not know who is the craziest, you who suggested or I who accepted.

— Probably you. — I said leaning against the edge of the pool.

— Things you do when you like someone. — He shrugged as he laughed, making me blush. — You look even prettier.

— Looking like a wet pepper? — I joked, trying not to get redder. Blake approached, his body still standing in front of mine. He pulled a wet lock of hair from my face as he smiled in a corner, bringing his face closer to mine. My heart was racing, as was my breathing. As much as I was with Brad, it was undeniable that Blake made my heart twist.

I closed my eyes when I felt warm lips on mine, corresponding to a slow kiss as he hugged me around the waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing the nape of his neck with my fingertips as we seized the moment. Blake caught me in the lap and I wrapped my legs tightly around his body without breaking the kiss, gently caressing my thighs.

It was as if my body had been electrified and I no longer felt colder in that water despite the temperature. I smiled along with him, feeling his caress on my body as we stopped the kiss with a few kisses.

— I'd love you to stay. — He smiled gently as he smoothed my hair through his fingers, I nodded, feeling my skin shivering in the cold wind. — And you need a hot shower. Come. — He sat me on the edge of the pool and left it with me, leading me to the bathroom of the house. — I'll leave some clothes on the bed.

As he closed the bathroom door, I undressed and turned on the shower. I closed my eyes, feeling the hot water trickle down my body, making it shiver because of the temperature difference.

I went into Blake's bedroom wrapped in a towel, he stopped for a minute, blinked a few times, and looked down.

— Well, I separated some clothes here for you to choose whichever one suits you best. — He pointed to some on his bed. — I ... Hm, I'm going to take a shower. — He left the room, stroking his hair, making me chuckle.

When he returned to the bedroom, I was already dressed in his gray sweatshirt with red plaid pajama pants sitting on his bed.

— Much better now, isn't it? — He smiled at me, also dressed in sweatpants and pajama bottoms, but in different colors. — You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the sofa.

— Blake, don't worry. Really. I can sleep on the couch without any problem. But I do not mind sleeping with you here either. — I said looking at him. It was true, it's not like I've never shared a bed with a friend. Or someone who is more than a friend. It didn't matter.

— Are you sure? — I nodded, tapping my hand on my side so he would lie down and I did the same, already covering me. Blake looked embarrassed at the situation, I smiled at him and kissed his lips again. Then he pulled me into his arms and that's how I slept after a few more kisses and conversation.

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