Dinner time

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It was arranged we would have dinner together in the hotel restaurant, so as soon as I and Brenda got ready, we went down to meet them. I wore a short black dress with silver fittings, highlighting my curves. Brenda had chosen because, for me, I would have gone in jeans and All-Star, I had no desire to get ready for a dinner that I did not even want to be.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I noticed that only the boys from The Vamps were there. Soon I felt Brad's eyes on me, he looked glazed, looking me up and down slowly with his mouth half open.

— Show him what he lost. — Brenda whispered to me as she slapped my ass and walked toward the table, making me chuckle and shake my head. Brad got up from the table and, as he started to walk toward me, I felt a hand on my waist. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at Blake. He held my hand, making me turn around.

— You look beautiful! — He kissed my cheek and pulled me slowly to the table.

— It is better for these women to hold their husbands because Y/n is ready to steal them. — Tristan teased, making me laugh as my cheeks turned red.

— Hot! — Reece added, running the index finger down his tongue and placing it on the side of his ass, making a noise as if it was burning, making everyone laugh.

— I will never wear a dress near you again. — I rolled my eyes as I laughed, sitting in the chair after Blake pulled her to me before sitting down beside me. I felt much better with him there, as well as having Brenda also sitting next to me, they have been my pillars.

— I think you should wear a dress more often. — James smiled gently at me and held my hand on the table as he sat across from me. — Do you feel better? — I shook my head.

— Thanks to Blake. — Brenda said, pricking Brad, making me pinch her leg under the table, but that did not stop her from continuing. — He took her breakfast to the room, sang a song, and even managed to get her out of the room in the afternoon to take a walk in the park.

— Did you go to the one with the fountain? — Connor questioned, and Blake nodded.

— Did you make a wish? — George asked before taking a sip of his drink.

— Actually, no. — I chuckled, watching the disappointment on George's face. — I'm sorry for disappointing you.

— We agreed we already have everything we could want. — He held my hand under the table and smiled at me, making me smile back. Brad kept his expression closed, but it seemed to force his teeth, the thin line on his lips betrayed.

— Okay, love birds. You make me diabetic. — Brenda grimaced, drinking some of the liquid in her glass as we laughed.

A few times over dinner, I noticed Brad's looks to me, he seemed bothered. I know him well enough to know that he had much to say and was having a hard time keeping for himself. I was uncomfortable with this whole situation, Blake seemed to feel it because sometimes he gently squeezed my hand, caressing with his thumb. He has this power to bring calm to any situation with a touch, a look or a word. I'd even say it's a gift. I'm not going to say that it made it easy to be at the same table as Brad after all, because it did not do it, but it softened. As I have already said, it is not as if everything I felt for him had disappeared with what had happened.

When dinner was over, I decided to go back to the room while the others were drinking, Blake said he would accompany me, and as soon as we left the restaurant, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

— Y/n, wait. — James asked and I turned to him. — How are you feeling? He cleared his throat. — Of the seasickness.

— Do not worry, Blake knows about it. — I gave him a tight lip smile at James and Blake hugged me around the waist. — And, yes, I'm better. Thank you for caring about me, Jamie.

— Of course, I worry about my best friend. I'm really sorry for everything that happened this morning, I wish you'd never been through it. — He sighed heavily, shaking his head. — He was a complete idiot, and we all made that clear when he told us.

— I swear I've never seen this before with Brad. — Blake added as he looked at me, looking back at James. — I know it doesn't justify it, but he must have drunk too much.

— I think so. That's not like him... Especially when we all know how much he loves you. — James looked away at me and I rolled my eyes. — But I'm glad you're with her, making my best friend happy as she deserves, man. Thank you for taking care of her. — He laid a hand on Blake's shoulder, who smiled at him. Jamie kissed my forehead and walked away, heading back to the restaurant, then we headed for the elevator.

— Blake... — I turned to him after the elevator door closed. — Do you want to sleep with me tonight? — I bit my lower lip, afraid of what he would think.

— Of course yes. But are you sure about that? — He asked as he held one of my hands and I nodded. — We better sleep in my room then.

— Yeah, I think so. Brenda could get it wrong and end up leaving the room when she saw you sleeping there. — I chuckled accompanied by him.

As soon as we got to his room, he gave me passage to enter first and I walked to near the double bed.

— You're going to have to lend me something to sleep on. — I laughed. — I should have gone past my bedroom to pick up my pajamas.

— Glad we did not do that. I like to see you in my clothes. — He walked across the room and grabbed a white T-shirt, handing it to me. I went to the bathroom and took off my dress, wearing his long T-shirt. It was not too long but it covered enough.

— Wow... — Blake said as I walked back into the room, running his hand through his hair. — You know, you should sleep more on my clothes. — He smirked at me and I walked towards him, kissing his lips quickly. I could not help but notice how he looked only in his underwear. I discreetly examined his body from head to toe, nibbling at my lower lip.

— I think we should sleep more often together then, Richardson. — I smiled at him and held his hands, pulling him to the bed. I lay down on the bed and he did the same, hugging my body after pulling the blanket over both of us as he spread kisses down my shoulders. — I can get used to it... — I chuckled, looking him over my shoulder, seeing a smile on his lips.

— I wouldn't mind it. — I smiled listening to him, turning my body in front of his. I took my hand to his face and stroked it gently with his thumb, kissing his lips longer. As we pulled our lips away, Blake pulled me to his chest so I nestled into him, placing a kiss there before closing my eyes and falling asleep quietly next to him, in the arms that brought me so much peace and security in the midst of all the chaos.

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