Truth or dare

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We joined the few that remained at the party and sat in a circle on the living room's carpet. James approached with an empty beer bottle.

— I brought the bottle so I start the game. – He spins the bottle till it stops on Reece. — Truth or dare, Bibby?

— Dare.

— What courage, Reece... I didn't expect that. – He provoked. Soon he put his hand on his chin, thoughtful. — I dare you to wear only your underwear until the end of the game. Or until someone makes you take it off too.

— That's all you got, James? I expected more from you. – I provoked him as I laugh, listening to he grumbles something about revenge while Reece took off his clothes. I looked around and saw some girls almost drooling and I had to contain my laugh because they really don't know how to be discreet.

Some rounds after, around three in the morning, and after I had played some truths and dares, James would have his revenge on me. The bottle has finally stopped on us and he smirked.

— Truth or dare? — I could feel the wickedness coming from him regardless of my choice. I was afraid but I couldn't show it because that was exactly what he wanted. — Dare, baby boy. Show me all you've got. – I was tempted to hear some murmurs about my audacity. Everybody was anxious to find out what James would dare me to do and so was I. Maybe was the drinks I had but I felt confident.

— Do a sexy dance for Brad and sit on his lap until the bottle stops on him. – He smiled malicious looking at me. Some people looked excited, others worried, and Brad looked tense. None of the boys dared us with nothing like this the other times we played this game.

I got up pulling a chair near so Brad could sit there. He approached and took a sit, accommodating himself on it. His hands were on his knees tapping his fingers nervously. I picked up my cellphone and put Ciara's Body Party as background music for the challenge, instilling absolute silence among the other participants in the game. I smiled wickedly, running my thumb across my lower lip until it stopped at the corner of my mouth as I walked slowly toward him as if parading. I paused a few steps ahead of him and slid my hands down my body slowly as I lowered myself. I got up slowly, tilting my butt as I tossed my hair back, running my hand into it, making it a little messy. Then I stood with my back to him, putting my hands over my head, slowly moving my hip from side to side. I looked at him over his shoulder, smiling provocatively, Brad was breathing deeply, he seemed to like it but at the same time, he seemed tense with the situation, probably because everyone was watching.

I moved my hips like half a circle and went back down the same path before walking toward him again. I kept my back to him, resting my hands on his knees as I rubbed my bottom on his lap. I felt Brad's hands grab my waist firmly and I tossed my hair back, keeping the rhythm on my lap dance. I heard someone shout "Get a room", but I could not identify who it was.

— Okay, okay. We got it! You nailed this, Y/n! I must admit. – James smiled at me and I offered my hand to Brad so he could stand up. He asked me If everything was alright and I agreed. — Let's go on with the game! – We joined the rest of us on the floor but part of my dare still has to be completed: I had to be on his lap until the bottle stops on him again. Brad held me by my waist and kissed my shoulder, making me smile to him. He's always so gentle, even after this awkward moment between two friends.

After some rounds, the bottle stopped on Brad but he didn't seem to want to let me go of his lap. His arms were still around me but I took it off gently because I wanted to keep playing with the rest. A girl named Evie questioned Blake about wanting truth or dare. At this time, both truths and dares were spicier I'd say.

— Dare.

— Do a body shot in anyone you want. – She smirked looking at him. Besides her, there were three other girls and me. One of them was on the couch kissing her boyfriend, the other two were almost asleep.

— Y/n. – Reece, George and the other boys cheered for him, except for Brad, who stared at me with no reaction at all. I smiled without showing my teeth but he looked away. Evie was with everything she needed in hands.

— Y/n lay down here outside the circle. – She said to me and that's what I did. — You're wearing a top so I won't need to lift it up but this high waisted skirt is disturbing me... – She giggled opening my skirt button and pulling my skirt down a little right after. Almost showing my underwear. — Sexy! – She winked to me and whispered. — He looked at you all night.

She made a trail of salt near my panties and placed a piece of half-cut lemon on my lips so I would hold onto it. She put some tequila in my belly button, pouring it down my belly. Blake was on my side but she corrected him saying that he should stay on top of me, so he sat on my thighs. He inclined his body over mine, sliding his tongue over the salt next to my panties as he gently stroked my hip. He sucked the tequila out of my belly button and slid his tongue back down my skin, drinking every drop of that had wet my belly, keeping his eyes on mine. I stopped breathing for a moment as I looked in those brown eyes, feeling his tongue on my skin making it shiver. Then he began to distribute long kisses where there were a drink and salt before, trailing kisses down my neck until he reached my mouth where he took the lemon with his mouth, letting our lips touch for a moment before moving away, sucking the lemon. Everyone, except for Brad, vibrated with the moment, especially Evie. She was jumping and clapping, seeming extremely proud of her challenge. Blake smiled at me and helped me get up. As I stood I felt my cheeks burning as I buttoned up my skirt, rearranging my clothes again. That was intense.

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