Talk later

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Brad's POV

I heard knocks on the bedroom door and rubbed my eyes, opening slowly because of the light coming through the window. Damn it! Damn headache. I think I drank too much last night for so many empty bottles on the nightstand. I pushed the body of the sleeping girl to my side to get out of bed, I could not remember sleeping with her. What was his name again? I do not know why I slept with her if she only had a body that I wanted, a single person I would like to wake up every day and never get bored with it, not even with her bad morning humor and her messy hair, which incredibly left her even more beautiful, especially if I was wearing a shirt of mine to sleep like I used to do when I slept at home after some party and I forgot my pajamas. Already, I looked like the devil himself this morning, more than usual, probably because of the hangover. When I opened the door and realized it was her, I wished I didn't look like hell. She was radiant, for a moment I even forgot the headache.

— Y/n? — I scratched my eyes, making her chuckle. I hugged her waist as she wrapped his arms around my neck as I returned each little kiss she'd put on my lips, I could not stop smiling against her lips.

— I made up my mind, Brad! Finally! It took me too long to see what was always ahead of me and ... — She stopped when she was interrupted by the girl in my bed. SHIT! I FORGOT ABOUT HER!

— Who's it? — I looked down at the blonde in my bed, covered only by the sheet, but then I turned my attention to who really mattered. I needed to explain myself to her, urgently. She took the arms off my neck, pulling away from me.

— Y/n, I can explain... — I said calmly, taking a step toward her but she stepped back. Why did she have to come to my room today? Because? Just the night I slipped and slept with a girl. The bathroom door opened and another girl appeared, a brunette curled up in the towel, making me frown. Okay, from her I definitely did not remember. I really drank more than I should have.

— What's happening here? — The girl in the towel asked. I wanted to be able to respond.

— Did she come to join us and our fun? — The blonde smiled on the bed and my panic increased, I really had no idea what I'd done the night before but it sure was enough to ruin everything.

— Y/n, I can explain... — I did not know how, but I would explain. I needed to. I took her hand but she pulled it.

— Do not touch me! — I felt disgusting in her voice, her expression... I could not decipher everything she was feeling at that moment, but it was a mix of bad feelings. I needed to fix this whole situation. I could not lose her. I would not accept that.

— I can explain. Let me wear something and let's talk. — I took a deep breath, trying to keep my voice still, even though I was completely desperate in the background. Her eyes began to tingle and that was a direct blow to a dagger in my heart, it hurt too much to see her like that. I hated it even more that it was my fault. I'm a complete idiot! I'm about to lose the love of my life for a fucking drunken night spent with two girls that I can not even remember the name of.

— Can anyone explain what's going on? — One of the girls questioned, and I turned impatiently to them.

— Can you stop talking for a minute? Please! — I asked sharply, taking a deep breath. — You know what? Wear your clothes and leave. — I scratched my head as they got dressed. I needed to talk to Y/n alone. In the last few days, I thought she wanted Blake more than me, I must have read all the wrong signs because now she said she wanted me, she wanted me, she really wanted me exclusively, with no one else between us.

She started to walk out of the room and I grabbed her arm.

— Y/n, please, we need to talk. — I'm sure I've never sounded as desperate as this time. Do you know when all you have seems to slip through your fingers and the world to collapse right under your feet? That's exactly how I feel.

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