It IS a date

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— Where are we going? — I asked curiously. He looked at me with a corner smile and returned to pay attention to the streets.

— It's gonna be fun, trust me.

A short time later he parked the car in front of karaoke and looked at me smiling wide.

— This is going to be fun! — I said already laughing. — The last time I went to karaoke with my friends we ended up singing High School Musical over the table. Get ready, because I'm very good at it. — Blake got out of the car laughing and opened the door for me.

— We'll see if you can beat me as Troy Bolton. — He joked laughing with me as we walked together inside the place.

It was dimly lit, with several tables and a small stage the front with small colored lights. Two friends were singing Bon Jovi on the stage.

— We should make this more interesting. — I suggested, and he looked at me curiously with an arched eyebrow.

— What do you suggest, lass?

— Whoever wins is entitled to a prize he chooses.

— Done! Do you want to hand me the prize already? — He teased as he laughed and I denied.

— I'll let you choose the song because I'm a good person.

— Wow, besides being beautiful she has a good heart.— He played with me as he smiled and climbed onstage, holding out his hand to help me climb into it. We got our microphones and he analyzed the long list of songs that were there until he selected You're the one that I want from Grease.

— Classic. — I said as I smiled. I loved this musical. He began to leap on the stage as if warming himself making me laugh.

He lifted the collar of his leather jacket, starting to move his feet as he sang the song, incorporating his Danny inside. It was incredible how good he was at those steps. I've been a fan of these years thanks to the influence of my father, who since baby put me to listen to these songs and, as soon as I started walking, taught me dance steps. After dinner at the weekends, we always listen to music and dance together. I miss it.

When it was my turn to sing, I incorporated my best Sandy approaching him as he sang, taking small steps away just as she did in the movie. Blake smiled and seemed to recognize my steps. I felt like I was in the scene of the film with him following so well my steps throughout the music. At the end of our performance, Blake pulled me by the waist sticking my body to his, as well as our foreheads as we smiled, catching our breath, listening to some clapping from the people watching.

We heard a girl clear her throat beside us, already taking the microphone out of my hand and we giggled. Blake grabbed my waist and helped me off the stage for the blonde to start her presentation.

— Someone was in a hurry to sing Taylor Swift... — I whispered to him making him laugh.

— I just realized that we forgot to see the score. — He stopped walking and looked at the screen where it marked the previous scores. — Looks like I've won. — He pulled the collar of his jacket on, convinced as he laughed.

— Just for two points. — I rolled my eyes and giggled. — So, what do you want as a prize?

He thought a little with his hand on his chin as he stared at nothing.

— A second date. — He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks burning red as I smiled shy.

— So this was a date?

— Of course.

After eating a pizza in the karaoke and watching some more people singing, Blake took me back home, making sure to take me to the door of my apartment.

— Thank you for tonight, really. You have no idea how I was needing to have that fun. You have no idea how much I needed to have fun. It was amazing! — I smiled sincerely at him, seeing a smile forming on his lips as he placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

— I had a lot of fun too. I'm happy that you agreed on going on a second date.

— And why wouldn't I agree? — I looked at him with my eyebrow arched and he shrugged.

— I thought there was something between you and Brad.

I bit my lower lip, looking embarrassed at the situation, didn't know what to say. "No, I don't have it, but maybe I wanted to. I don't know. But I want you too, don't worry." It did not sound right to say that in any way to him.

— Well, I think I'd better go. Good night! — He approached me and kissed my cheek, smiling again as he pulled away. — I hope to see you soon.

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