Party time

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The boys were out touring for more than a month and this time I couldn't go in any of the shows because I was too busy with my work at the studio. It's Always weird not having them around perturbing me, asking for my help in the most ordinary things in life. Once James asked me to go out to buy a blanket. Who can't buy a blanket alone?

It's been some time since Brad wants me to meet the band who open their concert, New Hope Club. I heard some of their songs, they're good, but I didn't meet them yet. The opportunity has come when the boys decided to throw a party on Saturday night after the tour ended. I was so anxious to see them, after all, they're my best friend and it's been a while we've been together.
Despite being friends with everyone, I was closer to Brad. Thinking of him gives me goosebumps in a really good way and I liked feeling it. I can't say I'm in love with him or something like that because I'm not really sure. So let's just say I really appreciate his company and what it brings to me.

The party would be at their home for a few friends so I didn't really have to produce myself like I was going to a super event with them.
I decided to wear a high denim straight cut skirt with a black top and a choker of the same color, accompanied by a white platform All-Star.

As soon as I entered the home the four lived together I was welcomed by Brad who looked like he was waiting for me. He held my waist and pulled me closer, whispering in my ear:

— You look even prettier tonight. — I swear I could feel shivers down my spine as I smiled shy.

— You're not so bad yourself, Bradley. — I joked with him, trying to break the ice installed in every single cell of my body. Soon enough the other three came and hugged me tightly.

— We missed you this tour. I couldn't stand being with them anymore. They are so annoying. — James whispered the last part for me, making me giggle.

— I'm going to get you something to drink. — Tristan said and Connor left with him to talk with another group of people.

Brad held my hand, pulling me closer to three boys.

— Y/n, these are... — He started saying but I interrupted him.

— George, Reece e Blake. It's a pleasure finally meeting you. I heard a lot about you all. – I smiled at them and received the same in return, as well the look of one of them on me for a little longer. Soon I could feel Brad's hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him and then Blake looked away. I felt an awkward situation at that moment but I ignored it when Reece talked to me.

— They couldn't stop talking about you. We were really looking forward to meeting you.

— Good things only, I swear.— Brad giggled as he looked at me and I laughed with him.

— I really hope so. After all, I am the best friend you could wish for. — I joked.

Tristan brought me a drink and e joined us in the conversation. NHC's boys remind me a lot of The Vamps' boys. The conversation flowed naturally, in a fun and light way. Brad walked away to talk to other people for a while. That's when Blake let go, showed me more of his fun and relaxed side, talking directly to me for the first time that night. At some point in the party, I decided to get some fresh air and move away from the noise. The sound was louder now and the people were more excited (or drunk, however you want). I sat near to the pool and stared at the night sky while I drank slowly the liquid in my cup. It was something I really enjoyed doing, watching the sky, identifying constellations and planets when it was possible to see them.

— May I join you? – I looked away from the sky, finding Blake standing beside me with a smirk on his face. I smiled at him and slipped to the side, leaving a spot for him.

— Sure! Are you tired of the noise too? – I arched my eyebrow, laughing low as he sat on my side and nodded to me. — I'm not really a party person. I do have fun but there's a moment I'll look after some Peace. That's why I usually come here near the pool. The boys Always know where to find me. – I commented, taking a sip of my drink after.

— I understand you. I've always been a calm person but with the band, I have to go o a lot of events and after parties. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining and I'm really grateful for everything but sometimes I miss moments like this. Peaceful and ordinary moments, you know? – Blake questioned me and I agreed. — Lucky me I found you here for some company. – We smiled for each other and I added:

— I'm happy to have some company. It's the first time this happens. I usually watch the stars alone.

— Can you identify something in the sky? Because I can't. – He laughed, shaking his head negatively before looking at me. — But I really like looking at the night's sky and think. Brings me peace, some inspiration. It's like an escape from reality.

— Same for me. And yes, I can identify some constellations, planets, but just a few. I'm not an expert. – I put my hair behind my ear and felt his eyes on me, making me blush as we smiled for each other. He came closer and my heart raced. I tried to breathe calmly but then George appeared.

— Hey, do you wanna play Truth or dare? – He came near us but right after smiled shy, stroking his own hair. — Am I in the middle of something?

I bit my lip and stood up, smiling shy.

— Don't worry, George. Thanks for coming and calling us. – I looked at Blake and he was still sat, looking straight to George. It seemed like they were talking mentally to each other and I had no idea of what was going on. — Blake? Will you come? – He nodded and stood up, walking behind me and George.

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