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The week passed quickly, without many interesting events. I have not seen Brad or Blake in between these days. I needed to talk to Serena about having a free Friday to travel with Brad. At first, she was unsure because I had already missed work on Monday. But when I told her about the wedding that had been invited by his family, she agreed. Telling me a few more times that I should give him a chance, that he was a good boy, that he clearly liked me very much, as if she did not tell me this every day every time his name popped into the conversation.

We agreed that he would pick me up at home after breakfast. His city was not too far away, it would take us at most two and a half hours if all conditions are in our favor like weather, traffic and no surprises like a flat tire and stuff like that.

We arrived to have lunch with his parents, Anne and Derek, a very lovely and receptive couple.

— Ahh, it's so good having you both here! — Anne said hugging Brad tight while I greeted Derek. — Y/n, darling! You need to come more often. — She smiled broadly as she hugged me.

— I'd love to come more often, for sure! But it depends on Brad's and my agenda. — I smiled at them, looking at Brad standing next to me.

— I think we can change both schedules and come more often. We just need to talk about. — He smiled at me and I nodded as his parents watched us, their eyes always glowing when they saw us. Anne once told me that they were happy that Brad had a friend like me but that they would love to see us together as a couple. My cheeks turned red, as did his, and she chuckled. It's been a while. But till this day she believes we are together and hide it from her.

— Let's go inside! — Derek said helping me with my bag while Brad brought his. — Let's take you to your room.

— Oh, I forgot to mention something. — She said as we went upstairs toward the bedrooms. — There's been a little problem with the guest room so you're going to stay in Brad's room with him, okay? — She smiled broadly, seeming happy with that situation. I nodded, after all, it's not like we didn't sleep together when he is at my place or I'm at his. Sleep literally.

— Which problem? — Brad asked with an arched eyebrow as he left his bag in the corner of the room.

— A problem, Bradley. — She looked in his direction smiling. — Shall we lunch?

I and Brad looked at each other without understanding and agreed with her, following the couple into the kitchen. That story of the bedroom problem was strange, but I did not mind sharing a room with him and I think neither did he. At least we would sleep in a bed and not on a sofa like in my apartment.

Lunch was peaceful and fun. Brad's parents were very easygoing. Of course, the fact that their child was at home made everything better for them. Moments like this tightened my heart, I missed my family. This conviviality, the meals together, even the ear tugs.

— Y/n, what do you think? — Brad asked while the three of them smiled for me.

— I'm sorry, I ended up distracting myself while I was thinking about my family. — I gave them a tight lip smile.

— Oh, honey...— Anne held my hand briefly.

— My parents want you to spend Christmas with us. What do you think? — Brad smiled at me, holding my hand. — I know you won't be able to visit your family so maybe that's a good idea.

— I'd love to. — I said with a genuine smile on my face and Brad squeezed my hand softly as they smiled for me.

— It will be wonderful having you with us. — Derek smiled kindly and I felt welcomed once more.

Brad didn't release my hand for the rest of the lunch, sometimes he caressed it with his thumb. Of the two of us, he was by far the most affectionate.

Ever since we met, he's always been the one who arrives with no motive to pamper him, who likes to be caring, to hug and kiss. That's what he does when he likes someone close to him, like me and the boys. Some people think it's weird when they act likes this with each other, kiss their faces and say 'I love you', but I think it's beautiful. The four are the most amazing boys I've ever met in life and I'm sure anyone who dates one of them will be a very lucky girl.

During the afternoon, we went out with his parents. They wanted to show me some places in the city that I did not know. At night, after dinner, I showered and put on my pajamas, sitting on the edge of the bedroom window with my feet on the roof while Brad was taking a shower. As usual, I watched the sky but soon I felt arms around my body, followed by a kiss on my shoulder.

— Everything alright? — He asked hugging me as he looked at me and I smiled at him.

— Everything's good. Just the old habit of watching the sky.

— Some things never change... — He chuckled making me sit on the roof and he sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me again. I confess that my heart raced, he has never been this way with me. It was new but a good new thing. Being in his arms made me feel safe, at home, like nothing bad could happen while I was there.

— Thank you for coming with me.

— I'm glad to be here. — I kissed his arm, caressing it softly with my fingertips. He rested his head on mine, caressing me as we smiled. We were silent for a while, just enjoying the moment and enjoying the company as we looked at the stars. Moments of calm like this were rare, even more so if we were alone that way, stuck together and not exchanging words. Really a moment to be valued and saved in memory with affection.

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