The proposal

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— What a beautiful wedding! — I said entering the room while I took off my heels, leaving them near my suitcase. I tried to reach the zipper of my dress, but I failed, hearing low laughter from Brad.

— Do you need help? — He asked, already stopping behind me. I put my hair to the side, giving him better access to the zipper. He spread kisses over my shoulders as he opened my dress and I smiled, looking at him over my shoulder. — Done!

— Thanks! — He said as he walked away, undoing the knot of his tie after taking off his suit and shoes. I took off my dress and put on my pajamas, and I could feel his eyes on me. I turned and he disguised himself, making me laugh low. — It's okay, Brad. You've seen me like this before. — I walked over to the bed and lay facing him. He finished undressing, just boxing, and lay down on the bed the same way I did.

— I know. But this time is different. — He brought his thumb up to my chin, stroking slowly as he looked at me and smiled. He slid his finger to my lower lip and stroked it gently, then sealed our lips. — I just hope I do not ruin everything.

— You won't. I know you, Brad. — I giggled and bit his thumb. — I hope not mossing everything up too.

— If you're talking about Blake, I just want to say that I don't mind that you're dating him. Really. I just want to enjoy every moment with you and let it happen without worrying about it later.

I smiled at him, bringing his face closer to mine. I started a calm kiss, entwining my fingers in his hair, stroking slowly as I played with his tongue and he hugged me, sliding his hands down my back.

When we broke the kiss, Brad pulled me to lie on his chest, where I kissed and caressed slowly, closing my eyes as I felt him stroking my hair. He whispered a "good evening" to me and we soon fell asleep, tired from the party, but certainly smiling.

The next day, we had lunch with his parents and later we returned to London, going straight to his house, where the boys were waiting for us with pizza.

— Now that we're all together, we have something for you, Y/n. — James said, biting his pizza, looking serious to me just like the others.

— Ok, you're scaring me.

— Liar! You are not afraid of anything. Not even a horror movie. — Tristan said, paying attention to his pizza.

— We have a proposal for you. — Brad, who was beside me, turned to me, looked at the others, making suspense. They know me too well, they know how curious I am and how this moment was killing me.

— We want you to be the band's official photographer and join us on tour. —Connor said excitedly. WHAT?? Who has never dreamed of working with best friends and always having them around ??

— Yes, yes, yes! A hundred times yes! — I smiled wide at them.

— This looks like a marriage proposal. — Tristan commented as he picked up another piece of pizza and giggled.

— It's gonna be awesome having you with us! — James said, smiling excitedly at me. — I can not wait to disturb you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Brad held my face in his hands and gave me a kiss, caressing my cheeks as he smiled, staring into my eyes.

— I knew you'd take it. — I held his hands on my face, smiling broadly as I looked at him.

— Why would not I go out on tour with my best friends? — I arched a brow as I looked at him. We pulled away when someone cleared his throat, turning our attention to them.

The boys looked at each other, confused by everything.

— Ok, what did we miss? — Connor asked and we both laughed, blushing. Brad shook his hair, clearly embarrassed by the situation and explained to them.

— WHAT?? FINALLY! — James exclaimed, raising his arms as if he were grateful for some divinity for the event.

— I thought that was never gonna happen! — Connor said.

— You guys are very slow! Amateurs! — Tristan rolled his eyes, mocking us as we laughed. — But I must admit it was romantic. You nailed it, Simpson! — He and Brad did a high-five while I was biting my pizza, watching them.

Later I returned home, unpacked my bag and started rehearsing how I would ask Serena to resign after all she did for me. Despite being very happy with the proposal, she was afraid, anxious, did not really know what to expect. I was afraid she would think she was ungrateful and did not value her doings to help me in the English capital.

On Monday, I got to the studio early, wanted to talk to Serena alone. I knocked on her door before I entered.

— I want to know everything about the weekend. — She smiled suggestively as I chuckled. — I saw a photo of you two. You were so beautiful! — After Anne, Serena was our biggest fan.

I told her about everything from the welcoming, the Christmas invitation, the wedding details, and the kiss.

— I can not believe it finally happened! This moment is mine! — She smiled, staring at the ceiling as she placed her hand on her chest. Despite being middle-aged, Serena was young in spirit and kept up-to-date with style.

— There's one more thing... — I bit my lower lip, wiggling my hands. She swallowed hard, looking at me startled.

— You're not pregnant, are you?

— No! — I frowned, startled. I had not even gone to bed with him, not beyond the literal sense. — When we got here last night, Brad and the boys made me a proposition. — I paused, taking a deep breath. — They want me to be the official photographer for the band and go with them on tour.

Serena blinked a few times, making my heart race. That was it. Now she was going to kill me.

— Congratulations, dear! I wonder how happy you are to know that you're going to work with your best friends. This is going to be so incredible! — She smiled broadly at me, clapping her hands lightly.

— Are you happy with that? I'm going to have to leave the studio. I thought you would hate me. — She laughed, shaking her head negatively.

— Y/n, as your friend and boss, I have always hoped for your professional and personal growth. A chance like this should not be ruled out. Your wings were made to fly. — I smiled at her and I could not help but hug her. Serena was someone really incredible. I will never forget what she did for me and she knows it.

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