Fallin' all in you

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I could not stop thinking about what Blake was up to, I was always very curious and he already knew this side of me. Maybe he did it on purpose, knew that I would corrode myself until the time finally found out.

It was the only thing that went through my head as I photographed the show, barely heard the music this time, but I could not help noticing how he looked even more handsome tonight. I loved his dressing style and the way he acted on stage, always very charming, making a thousand girls sigh.

— Thank you! — George said when the song ended. — Now, we have something special about to happen... Don't we, Blake?

— We sure do! — He smiled at his friend, turning his attention to the audience.

— Blake has a surprise. Do you like surprises? — Reece asked the fans, who responded with shouts, making him smile.

— Everybody likes surprises. — George said as he chuckled, turning his attention to him. — It's Blake now, we're just helping.

— Well, at this point you know that I'm dating someone and she's very special, from the beginning I knew this, but I do not think any of us expected to get where we are now. — He paused as he heard an "awn" in unison from the crowd. — She's here today, just like every night. So I thought about singing the song of a friend, who describes very well the situation that she and I are. I hope you like it. This is Fallin 'all in you. — Already starting the first chords of the song when he finished speaking. The stage darkened, leaving a stronger spotlight on him, George and Reece were also illuminated, but less prominently.

Sunrise with you on my chest

No blinds in the place where I live

Daybreak open your eyes

'Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night

Still, we're changing our minds here

Be yours, be my dear

He winked at me, smiling in the most graceful way possible and I could not help but smile too. I felt the camera move out of my hand, I looked away and saw Brenda, who was now photographing the moment. Did she already know about it?

So close with you on my lips

Touch noses, feeling your breath

Push your heart and pull away, yeah

Be my summer in a winter day, love

I can't see one thing wrong between the both of us

Be mine, be mine, yeah

Anytime, anytime

My eyes could not get away from him, looking so angelic enlightened that way, singing a song with such a sweet melody and his velvety voice.

Oh, you know I've been alone for quite a while, haven't I?

I thought I knew it all

Found love, but I was wrong more times than enough

But since you came along I'm thinking

Baby, you are bringing out a different kind of me

There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free

Fallin' all in

You fell for men who weren't how they appear, yeah

Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free

Fallin' all in you

This passage described our situation so well, as in the beginning everything was a mess that neither of us knew where we were going to end up, with Brad among us, living this love triangle for a while until the incident that took him out of the situation, leaving only Blake and me.

Fast forward a couple years, yeah, grown up in the place that we live

Make love, then we fight

Laugh 'cause it was only meant to be for one night, baby

I guess we can't control what's just not up to us

Be mine, be mine, yeah

Anytime, anytime

His eyes remained closed for a while, he seemed to be feeling the music, allowing himself to be invaded by it and its message, as well as the feeling it carried. He opened his eyes again, looking directly at me as if there were just the two of us there.

Every time I see you, baby, I get lost

If I'm dreaming, baby, please don't wake me up

Every night I'm with you I fall more in love 

Now I'm laying by your side

Everything feels right since you came along

He stopped playing the guitar, putting it aside, but to the melody made no difference, since the boys were also playing. He took the microphone out of the way and walked across the stage toward me as he sang the chorus again, held out my hand to help me onto the stage, and soon I was up there being watched by thousands of people. He gently squeezed my hand, made a soft touch with his thumb to calm me down, and smiled at me as he finished the song.

— I hope you're not thinking that it was a very exaggerated surprise. — He whispered in my ear and looked back at me as he smiled. The free hand took a small velvet box out of his pocket, then revealed a small silver solitary ring. My hands automatically stopped at my mouth as I smiled, shifting my gaze from the ring to him again. Is he about to do what I think he's going to do? Because I honestly do not know if I'm ready for this.

— You're the most incredible person I've ever met without a doubt, and with each passing day, you show me how much I want to stay with you. You are the definition of a life that I would be missing and I really do not want to miss it. So, would you give me the pleasure of officially being your boyfriend? — The fans were crazy about it, jumping as he looked at me and smiled in the sweetest and most gentle ways. How could I say no to this person? Who has been by my side all the time, taking care of me and ensuring my happiness during difficult times. Even more in front of so many people.

— Yes! It will be a pleasure to be your girlfriend, Richardson. — I smiled broadly and he pulled me by the waist, sticking my body to his as he kissed my lips long.

— I love you. — He said with his lips still on mine, without stopping to smile.

I smiled genuinely for the first time in a week and it was as if the world had disappeared around us for a moment.

He took my hand and carefully placed the ring on my right ring finger, giving it a kiss.

I looked sideways and could see my friends clapping their hands together as they looked at us and smiled. For a moment, I worried about Brad and what he felt seeing this, I looked for him among the boys but he was not there. Maybe it was better that way. But one thing is certain: I could not and would not stop my happiness for someone who destroyed it, regardless of who he was.

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