Soul sister

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— Hey! — I smiled at Blake and greeted him, as I did with George and Reece after. — I was beginning to think you would not come. — I joked with them, laughing.

— You do not know how long Reece takes to straighten his hair. — George commented and looked at Reece.

— Perfection takes time.

— Yeah, sure. — I agreed with him. — The truth is that the three of you must be slow to get ready.

— Guilty. — Blake held up his hands as if surrendering and laughing.

— But no more than Brad. — Reece remarked, knowing he was coming.

— Bibby, did they ever tell you it's impolite to talk about people behind their backs? — Brad said, shaking his head as he approached with a bottle of drink.

— It would be worse if he was lying, Brad, but we both know he is not. — They laughed at what I said.

— Touché! — Brad nodded and laughed, winking at me then, starting to serve three glasses with a drink for them.

— Y/n, before I forget. — Blake turned my attention to him. — I brought the clothes you left at home. — He smirked at me and I did the same. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Brad's gaze on us. — It's in the car.

— Thank you, Blake! I'm glad you did not choose to stay with them. — We laughed with our inner joke while the others looked at us without understanding.

— Yeah, they look better on you. — Blake winked at me and I smiled, looking embarrassed, even more knowing that Brad was right there while Blake flirted with me.

— Hey Blake! When you get her clothes, you can take me to my room because that's where she goes to sleep. — I do not think Brad wanted to get into a fight, especially with his friend, but somehow he wanted to mark his territory there and show he was on the move. The boys looked at each other and I kept silent, watching the scene. Blake nodded and Brad walked away, joining another group to talk, leaving us all speechless. What a strange situation!

— I, um, I think I'll get some more drink... — I said as I rubbed my hair. I needed to get out of there as fast as I could. I took a deep breath as I entered the empty kitchen, propped my hands on the black marble in the center of the room, looking down for a moment. I should have known that, at one time or another, these situations would start happening and I needed to decide soon.

I heard footsteps entering the kitchen and looked up, meeting a girl with brown hair.

— I was told that the drinks were here. I barely greeted the people and rushed here. — She laughed as she approached me. — I did not want to disturb your moment. — She gave me a tight lip smile.

— No, you didn't disturb. I just came for some more drink too.

— Liar.

— I'm not lying. — She looked at me, pointing at the liquid in my glass and I rolled my eyes. — OK! I needed to come here for a moment and breathe, escape from a strange situation. — She laughed quietly, reaching for a glass.

— I always do that. I put myself in some situations ... — I laughed with her, recognizing myself in that situation as she poured the glass with the drink from the bottle next to me. — By the way, I'm Brenda.

I was her! The girl I had to meet that night and who would probably be my partner on the trip.

— It's nice to meet you, Brenda. I'm Y/n. — I smiled at her, and she, to me, she had recognized me too.

— I heard a lot about you.

— Good things? — I joked and laughed, walking back together into the living room. — I'm glad they had the idea of ​​bringing the two of us together during the tour, it's going to be nice to have a girl around.

— Me too. Even more now knowing you.

Brad was in front of us and came up, holding my waist.

— I see you've met before I even introduced you.

— She went to get a drink and I was there. — I smiled as I looked at the girl next to me.

— It was like soul sisters destined to meet. — She teased, holding back the laughter as she stared at me.

— How romantic! I'm almost jealous.— Brad frowned, then laughed. Tristan called him from the other side of the room and he looked away for a moment. — I'll let you guys know each other better. — He looked at me again, kissed my forehead, and smiled. — I'll see you later in my room. — He winked at me and left.

— Ok, what was that? — She said looking at me after Brad walked away.

— Brad being called by Trist. — I tried to dissuade.

— You know what I'm talking about. — She rolled her eyes and I began to drink the liquid from my glass, trying to avoid talking. She took the glass from my mouth, making me drool a little while she laughed. — You're going to drown like that.

— Thank you, now I smell like alcohol. — I laughed, sitting on an empty sofa there, with her beside me.

— Start talking ... I'm persistent and I have time. — She said, already settling on the couch as she drank some more of the liquid in her glass, making me frown and laugh. It did not look like we'd just met, Brad was definitely right. — So?

I rolled my eyes, laughing, she really was persistent. For some reason, I felt I could trust her, she told me this and I hoped I was not wrong. So I started telling her everything, from the truth or dare game to today. Brenda was gaping at my side, blinking a few times as she stared at nothing. She sipped her drink, looking at me as if she were returning to herself.

— What?? Do you have two wonderful guys with you and are you complaining about your situation ?? — She frowned at me, not understanding, as I sipped at my drink.

— Hm... I guess so. — I scratched my head. I could not deny how wonderful they were to me, but the situation was really complicated.

— Dude, I'm jealous of your love life. — She sank her back into the sofa as she stared at the ceiling with a childish smile on her face.

— Don't be. It's a very delicate situation, although it's a girl's dream to have both of them into you. — I twisted my lip, looking down at my glass. — I just want to solve this as fast as possible without breaking anyone's heart.

She held my hand and smiled, making me smile weakly.

— I'm sure you'll do it the best way possible. — I gently squeezed her hand. — And now you have me. Even if I do not know you as long as they do, you can count on me.

— Thanks a lot. — I smiled sincerely at her. It was good to have a girl as a friend after so long. At that moment I felt my heart clench as I remembered what my life was like when I had my best friend around every day. From the conversations, sleepless nights, jokes that only she and I understood, how we looked at each other, and we knew exactly what the other was thinking, how we laughed without any reason.

Damn it! I missed having a girl around. Not that I do not have it with them, but it's different.

— Earth to Y/n, cambium! — I heard Brenda's voice and I shook my head slightly, making her laugh. — Welcome back!

— Sorry, I got distracted. — I laughed low, embarrassed.

— If you had not told me, I swear I would not have noticed. — She said in a tone of irony, making me roll my eyes as I laughed with her, taking one last sip of my drink. I thought it best not to drink anymore, it was not an occasion where we would all be drunk and crazy, it was just a party of friends, those of us who spent more time chatting.

I spent the rest of the party with Brenda, we shared stories and we laughed all the time. She was undoubtedly one more gift from the land of the Queen especially to me.

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