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— I know it's a little late for that, but I was wondering if you still have room for one more. — I smiled awkwardly as I looked at him, trying not to show how nervous I was. The possibility of a rejection terrified me.

— There is always room for you. — Brad answered while smiling wide and I did the same. — And always will. No matter how much time passes. — After hearing him say that, I couldn't contain myself anymore, I threw myself into his arms.

— It was always you, Brad. It will always be you! — A few seconds later our lips were joined, initiating an urgent kiss, full of longing and feeling, a passion hard to describe, I could only feel it. We smiled against each other's lips as he hugged me tightly around the waist, taking my feet off the ground. My hands cupped his face between them, stroking and squeezing, still not believing that moment. Little snowflakes fell on us, and the cool evening breeze reminded us that winter is here, even though we felt warm and ecstatic. It was magic!

Brad broke the kiss and hugged me tight against his body.

— My God, you must be freezing! You are shaking. — And I really was, but until then I hadn't noticed. — Come on, let's go in. — He took my bag with one hand and the other intertwined his fingers with mine as we entered the house.

— Sweetheart, we're so glad you're here! — Anne smiled broadly when she saw me and walked in my direction, hugging me.

— We thought you wouldn't come. — Derek said as he greeted me. — It's great to have you with us once again, Y/n. Especially during this time of the year.

— You are family and Christmas must be celebrated as a family. — Brad's grandmother Grace hugged me with a friendly smile and I felt welcomed and at home, with them, it was easy to feel that way.

Brad and I turn to go upstairs to leave my bag in the bedroom.

— Oh, I was almost forgetting. — Anne said entering the room with something in hand. — Every year we wear family Christmas sweaters, it's a tradition in the Simpson family. We weren't sure if you'd come, Y/n, but there's one for you too. Don't come down without wearing them. — She giggled and left two sweaters on the bed before leaving the room.

They were red and had green and white Christmas designs and details. Before long we put them on and looked at each other as we laughed.

— We look equally ridiculous. — He said and I laughed as I hugged him. — You better get used to it, it's every Christmas like that. You will end up with a collection of them because I do not intend to spend any other Christmas without you by my side. — I smiled along with him and kissed his lips long.

— Great! Because it wouldn't be nice for your next girlfriend to have me here since your parents love me almost more than they love you. — I joked and he laughed out loud, tilting his head back. Everything seemed as before. In fact, better than before.

— Does that mean you're my girlfriend now? — He arched an eyebrow as he grinned at me.

— I think we can say that. — I smiled and he kissed me again with passion as he hugged me around the waist.

— My girlfriend... I like how that sounds. — He smiled wide and in a foolish way, and I'm sure I was no different. — I've waited so long for this. To have you in my arms again, to be able to kiss you and wake up beside you knowing that you are mine. — It was still hard to believe that I had finally fixed things and could move on with the person I love.

The rest of the night flew by. It was so mild, warm and fun. The food was delicious too, Anne and Grace were full-cooks. At the time of the gift exchange, I felt a little strange, after all, I had not bought any gifts for any of them, not even for Brad. It all happened very fast that day.

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