I choose you

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I barely slept that night, I wanted the sun to rise and I could finally put an order in this situation, make a decision, be happy with one of them. I was excited but at the same time afraid because I still needed to tell the other that I made up my mind and I was not going to stay with him. Maybe he hated me after that. I tried not to think about it and changed after brushing my teeth, I decided I was going to his room before breakfast. Priorities, right?

I stepped into the elevator, pushing the button of the other floor and walked down the corridors of the hotel, my face seemed static from smiling. I stared at the door for a moment, feeling my heart pound against my chest, as if to tear it as I tried to calm my breathing. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. It was now. The moment I've waited for all this time.

I knocked on the door a few times and then the door opened, revealing a Brad with messy hair and the face of who had just woken up.

— Y/n? — He rubbed his eyes as he looked at me, I chuckled and threw myself into his arms, hugging him by the neck as I kissed his lips a few times, feeling his smile against them.

— I made up my mind, Brad! Finally! It took me too long to see what always had in front of me and...

— Who's it? — A female voice interrupted me, and then I noticed a blond girl on the bed, naked and covered by the sheet. I felt a punch in my stomach at that moment and my heart stopped, I looked at Brad, loosening his arms around him.

— Y/n, I can explain... — He said in a calm voice, taking a step toward me but I stepped back. The bathroom door opened, revealing a brunette girl wrapped in the towel, I opened my mouth and could not say anything.

— What's happening here? — She asked.

— Did she come to join us and our fun? — The blonde smiled, making me feel nauseous at the thought.

— Y/n, please... — He took my hand but I pulled it.

— Do not touch me! — I felt so stupid at that moment. I was there, ready to give myself 100% to him, probably for the rest of my life while he had fun with two girls.

— I can explain. Let me wear something and let's talk. — He stared at me, keeping his voice calm as ever. I wanted to run away from there but my feet would not obey me, it seemed as if I was glued to the ground as I felt my eyes watering, leaving my vision blurred.

— Can anyone explain what's going on? — One of the girls said, but I did not divert my attention to see who asked the question.

— Can you stop talking for a minute? Please! — He said impatiently, coming back to them. — You know what? Wear your clothes and leave. — He scratched his head nervously as they dressed quickly.

As I gained control over my body, I walked out of the room before them and felt a hand grip my arm, pulling me.

— Y/n, please, we need to talk.

— We have nothing to talk about, Brad. — I took his hand from my arm and looked once more into the room. — Have a good time. — I walked quickly toward the elevator as he heard me calling, I was determined not to look back. I squeezed the button of my floor and saw Brad in front of the elevator as the door closed. I slid my back into the mirror until I sat on the floor with my hands on my face as I cried out loud, letting all that feeling leave me, not caring if anyone would appear at that moment. How could I be such an idiot ?? Obviously, he would not wait for me while I was in this mess, he can have whatever girl he wants, millions of them, why would he wait? I can not believe that I began to declare without even looking at him. They must find me pathetic, they're probably laughing at me and my scene right now.

The elevator door opened but I was too embarrassed to lift my face and check if it was my floor, afraid someone would see me like that and need to explain.

— Y/n? What happened? Oh my God! — I heard Brenda's voice and then I felt her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I felt relieved to be her. — Come with me! — She helped me up and hugged me sideways, walking with me down the hotel corridor toward our bedroom. — I was going to have breakfast, I thought you were with Brad. — Listening to his name made my heart break again, intensifying the tears that came down my face.

We entered the room and I sat on the bed with her beside me, explaining the whole situation and how I was feeling at that moment.

— I can not believe he did it! He is so clearly in love with you. I thought he would not do anything to ruin what you have, but this idiot had the ability to break your little heart, trample it, and still destroy your friendship. — She covered her face with her hands. — God, I want to punch him so hard! You hold me because if you don't I go there and punch his face and these girls! — She looked at me and I sighed low.

— That does not change what happened, Bre. In the end, he showed me that I was blind and making the wrong decision. — She hugged me tight, sighing low. — You better eat something, I do not want to leave you without breakfast.

— I will not leave you alone. I can order food in the room for both of us. — I shook my head negatively.

— I'm not hungry. And I think I want to be alone for a while. Are you okay with that? — She nodded and kissed my forehead.

— If you need anything you call me, okay? I'll keep an eye on the phone. — I nodded and lay on the bed in a fetal position, covering my body with the sheet.

When I heard the door close, I let all the tears roll down my face without caring now if anyone saw me, I was alone in my room. My sob was loud, the air was beginning to drain away, and my throat burned with sore crying. The pain was physical as if someone had really ripped my heart out with their own hands, without anesthesia or pity, or a stroke of mercy.

I heard a knock on the door and a sigh.

— Y/n, can we talk? — I heard Brad's voice and closed my eyes tightly, taking a deep breath, trying to calm the sobbing and breathing before answering. — Please let me in ... I have so much to tell you.

— Go away! — I screamed my voice still clutching.

— I swear I can fix this. Please, for the sake of our friendship. — I kept silent, crying low as I covered my mouth with my hands to muffle my sounds. One hour he gives up and leaves. — Y/n... — He sighed heavily and I heard a knock on the door, maybe he had leaned against it. Damn it! I do not think he's leaving so soon. — Okay, I'll give you space, I know you need to. But please, when you're ready, let's talk and fix it, I believe in our friendship, I believe in both of us and in what we feel. I know I screwed up and, believe me, I hate myself more than anything in the world right now, but I need you to hear me. — Well, at the time he did not think of any of it, clearly. I took so much care not to hurt him or Blake in the middle of this mess, which they themselves suggested, I wanted to solve it as quickly as possible but at the end who got hurt it was me. Deep down, we all knew it would not end well.

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