Whoever he is

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Things were going well since we discovered the whole truth. Yes, WE find out, in the plural. No one had any idea that the future would hold a plot twist for us with the Liverpool girl, who I know now as Ashley and who's a good person. Neither me nor Brad nor Blake.

Speaking of them, we were friends again, all three. But nothing beyond that. Things are back to normal and I couldn't be happier about it after all the mess and weird situations we've been through in recent months. I decided that Brad, Blake and I should sit down and talk about everything that happened, that's how it all went back to its place.

I also decided that I didn't want to date anyone anytime soon, I needed some time for myself. I focused on work and enjoying free time with friends. Everything went so fast that it was almost Christmas in the blink of an eye and I hadn't even realized it.

— Have you decided who to spend Christmas with? — Brenda asked as she sat on my couch with a bowl of popcorn. — You got a lot of invitations from the boys, me, Brad, Blake... — She said as she popped some popcorn in her mouth. — Even your ex-boss. — She looked outraged and I laughed, shaking my head no.

— No, I haven't decided yet. All the invitations came from amazing and dear people, I don't know how am I supposed to choose. — Said sincerely and gave her a tight lip smile.

— You can choose one of the boys, I won't be upset. — She shrugged and I arched an eyebrow.

— Are you dismissing me?

— No! Of course not!

— You better not. — I threw a pillow at her face and start laughing as she straightens her hair.

— I just know that regardless of your choice I am better than them. — She laughed and I rolled my eyes, laughing as well. — Besides, I think it's a good opportunity to get close to one of them again.

— But I already am close to them again. — I frowned and she hit me with the pillow.

— Are you always that naive or did you study to it? — She snorted. — I'm talking about your love life, wake up!

— My love life is great, thank you very much. — I said eating some popcorn.

— Watching romance movies on a Saturday night with your best friend doesn't count as love life, just saying.

— Honestly, I don't know if I want to get involved with anyone right now. — It was hard to think about getting something back with one of them or starting with someone new after those months. — I think I'll stay here for Christmas. I cook something, talk to my family and take the opportunity to go to the sights all decorated at this time of the year.

Brenda didn't agree with the idea until the last second before traveling for the holiday. Brad and Blake also insisted that I go with someone, no matter who, but they couldn't convince me.

It was the morning of the 24th, I was sitting on my couch while having a cup of tea and watching the snow falling for the first time that month. My mind drifted far, making me travel to the ever-sunny Christmas in my city with my family. It was impossible not to think about how different everything was now and to look back. I can't say how long I stayed like this, watching a snowy London, but I heard my cell phone start ringing, my parents were making me a video call, which I quickly answered.

— Good morning to you! Good morning to me and a snow-covered London. — I smiled, moving the camera to the window so they could see a little of my sight, but soon I returned to myself. — How's your Christmas Eve?

— Honey, what a beautiful way to start Christmas, isn't it? — My mother commented while smiling wide.

— More adorable than you thought when you were a child, I'm sure. — My dad completed it.

— Really. It seems like I'm still living a dream every time I look out the window or walk through the city.

— Your eyes still shine like the day you moved to England. — My dad smiled, looking pleased. — Our eve is going well, we begin the preparations for the night. — My mother got up, walking into the kitchen, remembering that she needed to see how the turkey was doing. — It's chaotic! — My dad said after checking if she was far enough away and began whispering near the cell phone's microphone. — Your mother is about to drive me crazy with...

— What are you two talking about? — My mom said as she approached and I laughed.

— Nothing, nothing. I was just remembering when she cried on Santa's lap. — Nice save, daddy.

— Oh yes! She was so excited, she always enjoyed Christmas, but she was very afraid of the old man. — My mother laughed and looked back at me. — Okay, enough about us. How are you going to spend Christmas? With someone special? — She smiled suggestively.

— No, I decided to stay in my apartment.

— Why? Daughter, you have received such special invitations and— My father began to speak and my mother interrupted him.


— Mom...

— I thought you were going to spend Christmas with him. — She emphasized without naming.

— Him who? — I raised my eyebrow.

— You know who I'm talking about.

— Ah... Actually, no, I don't. — I scratched my head. She could be talking about Blake because we dated for a while or she could be talking about Brad who was always my best friend.

— Who do you think of when I say "him"? — I bit my lower lip while looking at them and my dad smiled.

— Your mother doesn't need to say a name, your heart knows who he is, whoever he is.

— Okay, maybe I know, but it doesn't change anything. "He" is with his family in another city and I'm in London in my apartment talking to you.

— So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, run to the station, catch the next train and go after your love at Christmas! — My mother smiled excitedly while my father smiled, supporting the whole idea.

— Ok, you're right! I need to pack and buy a ticket, talk to you later! I love you both! — I said as I ran to my room, leaving the phone on the couch.

— Darling? — My dad said. — I can't believe she forgot to hang up.

I put my bag on the bed while I grabbed some clothes from the closet, not much time left to pick. I put on my jeans, AllStar, and a warm jacket for the trip while already calling a cab.

When I got to the station, I bought the ticket and ran with the suitcase to the boarding station without taking the smile off my face, probably looking crazy. I sat in my armchair, putting on my headphones while looking out at the scenery. My fingers gently tapped my knees, showing the anxiety I had throughout the trip. The whole way I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was anxious and afraid at the same time. How would he react? How would his family react? Would he take me back? Was it too late to learn to love again? The questions popped by the thousands in my mind every second.

— Miss? We have arrived. — I heard the taxi driver say when he parked in front of a house.

— Have a happy Christmas! — I wished him after paying and got out of the car, walking to a stop in front of the door. My stomach started to roll again, so I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, staring back at the wooden door.

— Here goes nothing... Who am I kidding? Here goes everything! — I said to myself and knocked twice on the door as I heard laughter coming from inside the house.

With each step I heard approaching the door, my heart skipped a beat, speeding my breath. In a few seconds, the door opened and I could look into those sweet brown eyes.

— Y/n? — His soft, surprised voice said as he smiled, and I couldn't help but smile along with him.

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