Ready or not

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OK, that's it. Time to face my nightmare of the past few weeks. I went into his room and he was sitting on the bed in only a pair of shorts, always looking so serene, with his guitar in his lap while he was strumming some notes, then smiling at me. Why was he smiling? The world was falling on our heads and he had that cute smile on his face. Okay, focus. I'm here for a reason.

— I thought you'd give up on coming. — He continued to smile and stood up, walking toward me. — I missed you... Please do not be so far from me again. — He asked me as he hugged me around the waist, sticking my body into his.

— I... — I started to speak but his forefinger landed on my lip.

— Shh... We don't need to talk. — Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and I kissed him with some urgency, I had not noticed until then how I had missed those lips in mine, so soft and warm, moving against mine. So wrong but so good, I could not stop myself.

— Brad, I... We... — I tried to say something but soon our lips were together again, moving in perfect sync.

I walked slowly with him until I leaned against the wall, feeling his body in mine as he smiled against my lips. His hands slid down the side of my body as I gripped his hair tightly. I did not want to talk anymore and I did not want to stop either. But what about Blake ?? Oh my God! My boyfriend!

— Brad... We can't. — I said feeling his lips spread kisses down my neck as I sighed low, but he ignored me and continued to descend.

— GOOD MORNING, LOVEBIRDS! GOOD MORNING SUN! — I heard Brenda's voice echoing in my room and I jumped on the bed. My heart was pounding against my chest and my breathing was racing as I rubbed my eyes, trying to open them. — Okay, it's not sunny. But good morning! — She said opening the curtains as Blake mumbled something and I looked at her, forcing my eyes because of the light. It was just a dream. Good. I think. — If you're naked, please stand under the blanket.

— What time is it? — Blake grunted without opening his eyes.

— 9 am. — He grumbled and covered his head with a pillow, making me chuckle as I sat down.

— Why here so early? — I asked, still sleepy, getting up to go to the bathroom while she sat on the edge of the bed. I washed my face and, after drying it, went back to the bedroom, calling her out of the room. Now that I've got up, I need coffee.

— I need help choosing an outfit.

— And could not that wait? It's Saturday morning! Do you know what time I wake up on Saturdays? Exactly at lunchtime!! — I paused in the middle of the kitchen and snorted, turning my attention to the coffeepot. — Do you have a date or what?

— Honey, WE have a party. — She said as she sat down in the chair and I frowned. Party? — Have you forgotten?

— The closing party of the tour. — Blake appeared in the kitchen still sleepy, already reaching for a coffee mug after kissing my face.

— It's tonight?? — Brenda nodded and I tapped my forehead with my hand. I completely forgot!! And Brad didn't remember me about it! I talked to him on the phone about talking to him today and he agreed. Maybe he was thinking about talking before the party, but I really did not remember that. Damn it!

— So are you going to help me or not? She asked as she looked at me excitedly.

— Do I have a choice? — I raised my eyebrow as I poured coffee into the mugs.

— Not really. — She laughed, accompanied by Blake, who was leaning against the counter as he sipped his coffee in silence. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, nodding.

Blake stayed home while I helped Brenda with her clothes, then I went back to my apartment, also needed to get ready for the party to commemorate the end of another boys' tour. I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered how everything was at the last party, friends living the best time of their lives, drinking and having fun, meeting new people. That's when I met Blake. At that time I did not realize how important he would be in the moments I had lived then and how to look into those sweet brown eyes would bring me so much calm in the midst of the storm that surrounded me.

— What are you doing? — The velvety voice brought me back to reality, making me slide my fingers through the locks of my hair where I'd made curls, undoing them to make my hair just wavy.

— I was just finishing my hair. — I smiled at him through the mirror, watching him lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, always looking like a movie star, but real-life and all mine.

I walked up to him and sealed our lips long, beginning a calm kiss, but filled with a missing that I can not say where it came from, a need to show him how grateful I am to have him by my side. I stroked his hair gently so as not to make him messy and I broke the kiss with small kisses as I smiled against his lips.

— What was that for? — He asked smiling as he stroked my face with his thumb.

— Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend? — I asked as I chuckled. — I just ... I'm just grateful to have you. — He kissed me again, smiling against my lips and walked away.

— Ready? — He questioned me and I nodded as I thought: Am I ready? Really ready?

Ready or not, I gotta go.

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