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The day went by relatively quickly, Brenda and I spent the day watching TV shows in the room, we did not even go out to eat, blessed is who created the room service. In the middle of the afternoon, small knocks on the door left the room in silence.

— You answer this. If it's Brad, you say I'm in the bathroom. — I whispered to her.

— Leave it on me, I'll say you have diarrhea. — She laughed, jumping up from the bed to answer the door. — Hey! — She gave him room to walk in and I saw a smiling Blake approaching.

— Hey! I told you I'd come as soon as I arrived. — He winked at me and smirked. — What did they do? — He sat on the end of my bed as he looked at me and Brenda. — Do you feel better? — He put his hand on my thigh, caressing lightly.

— We watched tv shows. Yes, I'm better, thank you. — I smiled weakly at him.

— I tried to get her out of the room but she did not want to. — Brenda rolled her eyes making Blake laugh.

— So let's take a walk. — He stood up, holding out a hand to me.

— Now?

— No, he got up for nothing. You're going for a walk in three days. — Brenda replied. — Of course it is now. Get up! — He was amused by the situation as I stared at her, sighing low.

— Alright. — I took his hand and stood up, grinning at him. — Where are we going?

— I know you like parks so I thought we could go to the one next to the hotel. — I nodded, walking to the door with him, it would be good to change the air.

— Bring her safely, Richardson, or you'll be a dead man.

— Yes, General. — He teased her as he laughed.

— Have fun, kids. — I waved at her before closing the door. — WEAR CONDOMS! — I heard her scream from inside the room and we laughed as my cheek flushed.

— Oh my God! Why is she like this? — I ran my hand across my forehead as we walked to the elevator.

As we walked out the front door of the hotel, Blake held my hand and smiled at me as we walked quietly down the sidewalk toward the park. That hand in mine, his presence and company brought me an inexplicable serenity, happiness and the feeling of being always held by someone protective. He came out this morning as a Guardian Angel, who came to take care of me and heal me of the evils I lived with his own hands. Part of me felt guilty for lying to him about the real reason for all this in the morning, lying to who came immediately to me and made a point of taking care of each wound with kindness. I did not feel worthy of what he has done for me and what he could clearly do if he felt it necessary.

— Isn't it? — He questioned me. Damn it! I left him talking to himself while I thought. I had not even realized we were in the park.

— I'm sorry, I was distracted. — He stopped walking and looked at me worriedly, holding my face in his hands.

— Hey... Is everything alright? — Blake stroked my cheeks with his thumbs, making me close my eyes for a moment and enjoy his caress as I sighed low.

— I was not completely honest with you this morning and I'm not finding it fair. — I looked at him again, taking the courage to tell him as he remained silent for me to continue. — I was not sick. Yes, I was nauseous but the biggest reason I stayed in the room was another one. — I bit my lower lip, afraid of what was coming. — I went to Brad's room and saw him with two naked girls. — He looked shocked but remained silent, looking away from me after removing his hands from my face. My heart squeezed, I felt I was going to lose him too, but I needed to be honest, he deserved it.

— Oh God... — He finally said after a while in silence, turning to look at me. — I'm sorry you saw it. — Blake hugged me tightly as he sighed low. I delayed to hug, I did not understand how he could hold me after what I said. I omitted the part that would choose Brad, but the way I stayed, I thought I was explicit about how I felt about him, it was less painful for Blake than to hear it from my mouth with all the words. — How are you feeling now? — He looked back at me as he smoothed my fingers through my hair.

— Thanks to you, much better. — I smiled and he smiled back at me, placing a kiss on my forehead. How can there be such a gentle person?

— Ready to explore this place? — He winked at me smiling.

— I was born ready, baby. — I chuckled, starting to walk. I felt his hand on mine again and I smiled, walking beside him as I watched the place. It was full of trees, long lawns made the concrete road look small, in the center was a fountain. We approached him and stood there, watching the water flow.

— Should we make wishes at all fountains or are only some special? — He questioned without looking away from the fountain.

— Where did that come from? — I laughed as I looked at him, then he looked away at me.

— I've been in some places with fountains and they told me to make a wish so when I saw that I thought I should too.

— You're cute, you know? — I smiled as I looked at him and I could see a shy smile forming on his lips. I stood on tiptoe and sealed his lips long, then felt his arms hugging me around the waist before we began a calm kiss. Suddenly he lifted me up and I no longer felt my feet on the floor, I laughed low against his lips as he smiled, putting me back where I was.

— I don't think I need to make a wish anymore. — I frowned as I looked at him and he smiled at the corner, gently caressing my waist with his hands. — I have everything I've always wanted. I work with what I love and I am recognized by it. I have incredible friends and family. I know different places, cultures, and people. Besides, now I have you with me too, which brings color even to the most cloudy days. — He smiled, caressing me as he kissed my lips, making me melt in his arms.

— Blake, I'm very lucky to have met you. Honestly, I do not know what I did to deserve so much, but I'm very grateful to have you with me. — I kissed his lips again and hugged him tightly before we walked again, this time toward the hotel as it was already dusk and had been arranged to dine together. Of course, against my will, I was not ready to share the same environment as Brad without shedding a million tears. The good thing is Blake would be there and I'm sure he would give me coverage, just like Brenda. Still, the idea made my stomach turn.

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