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As Blake stepped into the elevator I turned to the door and when I put the key in the lock I realized that it was not locked. I frowned because it was unusual for me to forget locking the door. I went into my apartment and jumped back, stifling a scream.

— DO YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK, BRADLEY? — I closed my eyes for a moment, holding my hand to my chest, feeling my heart racing. — What the hell!

— I didn't mean to scare you... I used the key you gave us. — He showed me the key with the heart keyring I had given them, just as they gave me the key to their house. But at that moment I did not remember it, I just thought of the worst.

I closed the door and walked in his direction, sitting on his side and soon I felt his strong arms around. I sighed closing my eyes as I hugged him tight and kissed his shoulder.

— I am sorry for everything. I'm an idiot. A complete idiot. I shouldn't have acted that way. I didn't want to hurt you but...— He took a deep breath, pausing. — I was jealous, okay? I shouldn't but I was.

I pulled back a little to look at him.

— Jealous of Blake? — I arched my eyebrow. — We were just playing. Just as I had to dance for you, he had to do the body shot, all part of the game.

— I know it! Now. But yesterday I didn't think about it, maybe I was drunk. But saw him kissing you the whole body did not make me comfortable. — I giggled squeezing his cheek.

— I have a very jealous best friend. Don't worry, my heart is yours.— I winked smiling after my joke. "Joke". The five of us used to joke about living a polyamorous relationship. But of course, I didn't get involved with any of them. It was just part of our friendship and our silliness.

— So we're good? — He asked me, smiling without showing his teeth. I agreed and kissed his cheek, hugging him again. — Did you have fun with Blake tonight? — For a moment I asked myself how the hell did he know but I remembered we posted a picture of us.

— It was fun. We went to karaoke, similar to that one I went with you and the boys but it was smaller. Can you believe a girl kicked us out of the stage to sing Taylor Swift? — I lifted my face to see him as he laughed. — Nothing against Taylor, I like her songs, but I'd feel better if she had kicked me out to sing something more classic karaoke music like I want to break free.

We decided to watch a movie while we were not sleepy, because of the time we woke up after the party. His phone rang and I paused the movie. It was his mother. While they were talking, I checked my social media. It is not right to listen to the people conversation.

As he hung up the phone, he turned to me with a smile on his face as he scratched his hair.

— My mother still doesn't believe we're just friends. — I giggled. In fact, most people did not believe it. — There's a family wedding happening this weekend and she invited you.

Besides his parents and grandmother, I did not know anyone else in his family. It was strange at the least to go to a family party, especially with them believing we have something.

— What do you say? — He looked me waiting for an answer. — Free food and fun with me. — We laughed together.

— You know the way to my heart, Simpson. We should not deny food, should we? — I saw his disapproving face for ignoring his company. — Fun with you either. — I winked at him, seeing him smile.

— We just can't get drunk like yesterday.

— Yeah, your parents would not want to see what we did. — We laughed but soon I saw him blushing, probably remembering the dance. I love seeing him blushing. — You look adorable like this. — I said making him even redder, making him cover his face with a cushion.

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