Chapter one

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Hi there ❤

Thank you for clicking on this story! I really hope it will end up well and that you'll enjoy it!

I know I have been starting up a lot of stories lately, not really being able to finish them as I'm not so motivated - but I'm very motivated for this one, so please support it!

I have to say that I'm not trying to sexualize a handicap/mental illness in any way! It's pure fiction!

Make sure to read the warnings before you begin💜

Just a notice; English is not my first language so this story might have some mistakes - but I will try my best to keep it readable 😂

I will add some mild smut in this - unless you ask for more of course 😏

Edit: well, it turned out to be just a normal smut story - if you're uncomfortable, don't read! 💜

Once again thank you and enjoy the story ~

Once again thank you and enjoy the story ~

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Taehyung is following Jin quickly as the elder walks ahead, making it difficult for the younger to keep up with the heavy bag on this shoulder. They are finally moving into the dorms after a month of school (for people to get to know each other), excited to see which people they're going to live with.

Taehyung and Jin are glad to be in the same room, lucky that the office accepted it. Jin's the only one who 'understands' Taehyung after all.

To make it short, Taehyung is mute. He has been for all the years he can remember. The doctor said it's something psychological, caused by a childhood trauma that Taehyung can't even remember.

Jin is Taehyung's childhood friend and they have been together for many years. Jin learned sign language at a young age, making it easier for Taehyung to communicate with others through him.

The two boys step inside dorm number two. Every dorm has a building for itself with a lot of rooms inside. Jin looks at the different numbers on the doors as they walk down the hallway.

"Oh, it's here!" Jin says, smiling at Taehyung before opening the door. They look inside.

There's a bed on the right side of the room with a table in the middle. Another bed is placed on a bed loft, right above the bathroom and shower.

The two boys look around in excitement.

"Dips for this one," Jin says as he runs to the bed in front of them, placing his bag on the floor. Taehyung pouts and he shows his middle finger. They just discussed how it would suck to be forced up and down those stairs every morning.

Jin giggles as he watches Taehyung walk up the stairs with heavy steps. Taehyung throws his bag on the bed before sitting next to it, looking down at Jin.

"It will be easier for me to see you talk from here after all," Jin states, leaning back against the wall. Taehyung rolls his eyes but then smiles, throwing his pillow at Jin.

They keep bickering for a while before the clock hit 7 pm, and they have to meet the rest of the dorm. They know most of the students in their grade, considering they used the first month together, just not living together yet.

Taehyung doesn't really mind who'll be their 'dorm neighbors', no one really pays attention to him anyways. It's too hard to communicate.

Some have been teasing him a little, but he's getting used to it. Being different isn't easy, especially not when it's a handicap that makes you 'unique'.

They walk outside, greeting a few students on the way. Everyone's being nice to each other. They're going to live together after all.

A boy is waving at them and they soon recognized who it is. It's Jimin. A nice guy with grey hair and blue eyes, he's popular with the girls.

Jin has known Jimin for a while and introduced him to Taehyung when they started in school. "Hey guys, we're in the same dorm! Exciting right?" the boy questions, sliding a hand through his grey locks. Taehyung just shows a thumbs up and smiles as Jin playfully rolls his eyes. 

"Oh god, the only person I don't want in my dorm," he teases, earning a kick from the younger. Jin just lets out his windshield-wiper-laugh as Jimin pouts. 

"You love me, don't try to deny it."

They keep fighting like kids until Taehyung stops them, reminding them they have to meet up in the dinner hall. Jimin throws an arm over his shoulders, even though it's an awkward position due to Jimin's height.

"Taehyungie, I actually have a request," Jimin begins. "What is it?" Taehyung signed. Jimin has been learning sign language lately and is getting rather good.

"Since you love music, could you help me decide a song for my next dance? I can't choose..." Jimin finishes, smirking.

It's true, Taehyung loves music. It makes him relaxed and he always feels so comfortable listening to beautiful songs.

Taehyung nods a yes and shows his box smile. The three went through the door and look around. There are around 30 boys inside the dining hall, sitting together at tables lined against the walls.

Some greet them as they find their way to a table at the end. Taehyung is looking around, observing the people. Good, it doesn't seem too bad.

He feels his shoulders sink a bit in relief. Not many of the 'bad guys' are in this dorm.

But obviously, this thought doesn't last long as the door is kicked open and three guys walk inside. All the boys are now looking in the direction of the loud sound.

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he looks at the guy in the middle.

If Satan had a child and he's walking on earth, Taehyung will be looking at him right now.

The one and only. Jeon fucking Jungkook.


Hope it wasn't too shitty for a first chapter 😂

The clock is 00:06 and I don't know why I'm writing this.

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