Chapter 30: Breath

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Taehyung slowly packs his books into his locker, standing still for a moment to look at them. He's weirdly tired today. Maybe it's because he and Bogum were out most of the evening, walking along the lake that isn't far from the dorms.

It was nice, it really was. But Taehyung has been having this heavy feeling in his chest for a while now and he doesn't know what to think of it. Maybe it's just his lag of sleep.

He shrugs his shoulders and puts the last books inside before closing the locker. He soon feels a tap on his shoulder that's so gentle he almost misses it. Bogum is standing behind him, a big smile on his face.

Taehyung smiles back at him.

"Ready for English?" he asks. Taehyung shakes his head in a teasing manner... who's ever ready for class?

"Let's just go before I want to skip," he answers and lets Bogum take his hand in his. They walk down the hall without too many stares. Most people have gotten used to them being together, only a few have teased or bullied them because of it.

Taehyung didn't expect it to go so well, so he's glad that most people are leaving them alone.

The two head inside the class and splits, heading for their own seats. Taehyung places himself lazily and takes some of his papers out on the table. He is not in the mood for school at all, and not in the mood to really talk with anyone either, but there isn't much he can do about it.

The teacher comes in and starts the lesson right away, clearly not in a very good mood herself. Taehyung's eyes are feeling drowsy and he's close to falling asleep, but that feeling disappears immediately when he sees the door open slowly.

"Mr. Jeon, you're late again," the teacher spits as Jungkook steps inside the room. The male is wearing a hoodie, having it cover up most of his hair that he clearly didn't give a shit about this morning, his eyes look tired and his skin is pale. He almost looks sick.

Taehyung frowns as he watches Jungkook mumble out an apology before heading for his seat. Normally he would have a girl by his side or just some sort of attention, but right now that's not the case.

Taehyung shrugs and turns back towards the blackboard. He's not supposed to care, he won't start caring. But everyone knows that's a lie.


"And then I came-"

"Jesus Jimin! Nobody fucking asked okay?" Jin sighs out in frustration after Jimin has been talking about is very intimate sex life for the past ten minutes and everyone else around the table has been nothing but disgusted.

"I'm just trying to educate you guys," he teases, earning a smack on the shoulder from Taehyung. For the first time in forever, it's actually just the three of them that have placed themselves on at the table to have dinner. Bogum will be joining soon though, he just had to speak with a teacher quickly.

"I'm fairly educated, thank you," Taehyung cuts him off. Before Jimin can comment on it, Bogum appears out of nowhere and places himself in front of Taehyung, putting his tray down on the table and smiles at them. Short greetings are exchanged and they start having a basic conversation.

Bogum looks over at Taehyung as Jimin and Jin start discussing something unimportant as usual, wanting to look at the brunette. Taehyung smiles tiredly at him.

"Is something wrong?" he asks. Bogum shakes his head and chuckles slightly.

"No, everything is perfect-"

Or, it was until now. Bogum flinches as he feels a hand smack down on his shoulder, making the entire table go silent.

There Lay is, having an ugly smirk plastered on his ugly face, with his ugly friends behind him. Yeah, Taehyung didn't feel bad about any of those thoughts, like at all.

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