Chapter 4: Teacher

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"Fucking shit! I hate this fucki-" Taehyung signs to Jin in frustration. They're in their room, finally made it past all the annoying comments being thrown at Taehyung.

"Calm your language dickhead, no need to get mad. They are doing it to help you," the elder snaps and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

This is going to make everything worse dammit. 

Jin exhales and sits on the bed beside Taehyung.

"It... It will be fine, it's only 15 minutes," the elder encourages with a caring look in his eyes. "Yeah, 15 minutes A DAY of me being displayed..." Taehyung falls back on the bed and looks at the ceiling. He's fine! Why does the school have to do this? So. Fucking. Annoying.

He feels the anxiety in his chest. Taking the sleep away from a bunch of soccer freaks will never end well. Like he isn't hated enough in the first place.

"Listen, take this opportunity to get some new contacts! Only having two friends must suck," Jin says as he claps Taehyung on the stomach making his contract with an 'oof'. He irritably gives Jin a push. "Sounds like you want to get rid of me".

Jin shrugs his shoulders, earning another hit from Taehyung. 

"I'm joking" Jin giggles and places his arm over Taehyung's shoulder. "I could never leave, but you really to extend your network."

Taehyung just sighs. Like that would ever happen... it's not like people will pay more attention to him just because they understand what he says. It would probably just make it worse.

- Time skip -

It's 7:40 am and people are slowly filling up the hall. Taehyung can't count on two hands how many rude comments he received. He just plainly ignored them, trying to stay awake himself.

Hoseok is already in the room, waiting for the students to get their shit together.

"Why do I have to meet? I know sign language already..." Jin complains before rubbing his eye.

"What about me? I know it even better..."  Taehyung knocks his head against the table. The only thing he gets from showing up to this is shitty comments and death stares, so why even fucking bother?

"Taehyung, get up here" Hoseok is looking at Taehyung, waiting for him to lift his head. When Taehyung finally doe, there's no emotion on his face.

He just slowly gets up and approaches Hoseok, who smiles gladly at him. So annoying. That's Taehyung only thought. The only thought he has had for the past 24 hours. Hoseok claps the chair beside him and Taehyung sits down.

"I want you to help me out. I'm only one teacher to so many students, so you can help them too," Hoseok smiles as he places some papers in front of Taehyung. Great, now had to teach the fuckers too.

Taehyung just nods tiredly, keeping his thoughts to himself. It's better than doing nothing after all.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get started" Hoseok instructs. He stands up and starts the lesson.

Some time passed, and everyone's now studying sign language. It's a weird feeling for Taehyung, almost comfortable. People learning his language.

He helps a few with some tasks they had to do, but the 15 minutes are over quickly.

Taehyung looks up from his watch and spots Hoseok in front of Jungkook's table. "You have to get it done," the elder says, looking down at Jungkook who's just sitting on his phone.

"Fine. Taehyung will be your tutor". 

WHAT? NO! I don't want that!!!!

Taehyung screams inside his head. What the hell? There's no way he's going to help that fucker. He runs to Hoseok and starts waving his arm to assure the teacher that this is a very bad idea. But Hoseok just calms him down and looks back at Jungkook, who's now angry as well.

"What the fuck makes you think I'll be in for that? I can't be with that retard for so long! you can't make me." Jungkook spits, leaving Taehyung annoyed and a little hurt by his words.

"You can't run from this one. This is a part of your education and you'll never get that scholarship if you act like this," Hoseok's voice is hard and cold, it's the first time Taehyung has heard him like this. He's scary.

"What the-" Jungkook begins, but Hoseok places a hand in front of him to make him shut up. "That's how it's going to be and you'll have to make an assignment every week for calling Taehyung a retard". Both Jungkook and Taehyung widen their eyes and look at the teacher in disbelief.

Taehyung is just about to say something but Hoseok stops him, "I have made up my mind". God fucking dammit. How fucking cliché is this??

Taehyung mentally curses at himself. He and Jungkook caught each other's eyes, Jungkook tsks and looks back at his phone. Prick.

This fucking suck.

Taehyung turns around and walks back to his table. Jimin and Jin are doing everything in their might to keep the laughter inside, but failing miserably.

"Hahaha omg Taehyung, you really hit the bottom now," Jimin laughs. Taehyung throws a paper at him but misses making the other laugh even more.

"And with Jungkook, of all people!" Jin is almost crying. Taehyung just pouts and stands with his arms crossed looking annoyed at the two boys who almost choke themselves in laughter.

"It's not funny..." Taehyung signs. But they don't stop laughing. Taehyung can't stop himself from cracking a small smile by the laughter of the others. As longs as he has them everything will be fine.



This story is so cliché, sorry 😂 

I still enjoy writing it though, so I hope it's readable!

Edited: [x]

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