Chapter 11: Drinks

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The music is loud, and people are already dancing. Some stands outside while smoking, giving Taehyung weird looks as they walk inside the house.

"If I knew this was Lay's party, I wouldn't have fucking attended" Taehyung snaps, signing so fast and frustrated Jimin and Jin nearly miss it.

"And if you started listening to what I'm saying instead of spacing out all the time, you would have heard me say it" Jimin spits back, crossing his arms.

"Girls, girls. This is not a discussion we need to have right now, just get your asses inside so we can get some alcohol and get fucked up, okay?" Jin walks in between them, towards the door. Taehyung and Jimin give each other a fast glance before following the elder inside.

They make their way through the crowd, trying not to get knocked down by some of the drunk teens jumping around.

"Aish-" Jimin annoyingly says as he gets a hard push and some alcohol on his shirt. "Why are there so many people here?".

"Duh, it's Lay's party idiot, it's an unwritten rule to show up when it's the amazing trio that hosts the party," Jin answers, still leading them through the many people, almost at the kitchen.

"It's called the golden trio dumbass, have you never seen Harry Potter?" Jimin snaps, making Jin roll his eyes and Taehyung giggle. "And we are a trio too, don't get me started".

They finally make it to the kitchen. There are already two people inside. One lying dead over the table, probably too drunk to do anything else. And then there's Jennie.

She is filling her cup up with some different alcohol. As soon as the three boys steps inside, she looks up and a smirk appears on her face. There is an awkward silence for what felt like minutes.

"Oh, you guys were invited too. Hi Jimin ~" she says with a sugar sweet voice. Taehyung almost gags and Jin hums. "Hi, Jennie! What are you drinking?" Jimin asks, not realizing his friends' utter disgust towards the girl.

"It's a drink I just made, want one?" Jennie asks and Jimin nods rapidly. Taehyung and Jin roll their eyes.

"Great, I'll bring them to you. Go check out the chocolate fountain" she suggests, winking at Jimin, who seems oblivious to her flirting.

They step outside and walk towards the snack table.

"What the hell was that? Bwah" Taehyung signs while mimicking pressing two fingers in his throat. Jimin is disgusted by the sight. "Aish, what are you doing. Stop it".

"HEY STOB IT" Jin says, giggling while putting a strawberry into the chocolate. "Seriously, your English sucks," Jimin adds annoyed even though he isn't better himself. Taehyung laughs and gives Jimin's shoulder a smack. Jimin brushes him off and they start giggling together. They try out the different kind of fruits with chocolate on.

They are laughing at one of Jin's horrible dad jokes as Taehyung rests on one leg, causing him to turn a little. He spots Jungkook, dancing with some girl on the dancefloor. They are smirking and dancing closely against each other.

Jungkook's eyes are suddenly looking directly at Taehyung, but the younger doesn't look away. Jungkook throws his head back with his usual cold expression. Taehyung lifts an eyebrow and the elder focuses back on the girl, placing his hands on her hips. Annoying.

Yeah, people would kill to be with Jungkook. Been there, done that.

Taehyung's thoughts are interrupted when Jennie suddenly appears beside them. She's holding the drinks and hands them out. Surprisingly enough, there's a drink for Taehyung too. He grabs it and almost swallows it in one go, making Jin and Jimin look at him in confusion.

"Someone's ready to get wasted," Jin comments, while he takes a sip of his own. Taehyung ignores him and swallows the last bit. Nothing makes feelings go away as alcohol does, and Taehyung took advantage of that.

"OMG who's that dude? He looks fine" Jin says, knowing perfectly well who the hot senior standing against the wall is. Namjoon is wearing glasses and casual clothes, but yeah, looks hella good. Jin quickly runs a hand through his hair "party time". He leaves Jimin and Taehyung without further notice.

"Fuckboy," Jimin says making Taehyung laugh again. A little bit crazier this time, but no one notices, cause... there is like... no sound coming.

"Well, I'll join his boat, Yoongi's over there. Wanna come?" Jimin asks and Taehyung shakes his head. "I'll look for the bathroom. I might join later." He answers and Jimin nods. "Are you drinking that?" Taehyung points at Jimin's almost full cup.

"No, go ahead" he gives Taehyung the glass and then turns around to approach the boy he has had a crush on for ages.

Taehyung sighs. It's not like he didn't expect this to happen but... he wants to be with his friends, but he also knows he would just be a burden to them and their 'crushes'.

He drinks a bit from the cup and then pushes himself from the table, going towards the stairs to look for the bathroom.

Taehyung almost falls in through the first door, stumbling over something on the floor and hitting against a table. What the hell was in that alcohol?

Suddenly a girl screams, and the door is ripped open again, she runs out quickly towards the room Taehyung now realizes is the bathroom. He looks after her in confusion and feels how his view getting blurrier.

"What the- Don't ruin the fun" Taehyung knows the voice and looks up. Jungkook is sitting on the bed, only wearing pants and socks. He looks up "Taehyung? What the fuck?"

The younger wants to say something, so he lifts his right arm slowly, still leaning against the table with help from his left hand. But he just can't make a sign. His fingers are fighting to stay in the right position but quickly goes their own way. Taehyung is getting really frustrated now.

"What are you doi- hey? How drunk are you??" Jungkook stands up and grabs Taehyung who almost falls, knocking against the table again. The elder holds Taehyung close, making the younger place his hands on his chest. Taehyung tries to hold his eyes open, gazing up and down Jungkook's body.

"You look-" Taehyung's hand falls down again. Why is it so freaking hard? He had like, two drinks.

"Calm down, what the hell did you drink dude?" Jungkook asks confused.

"I-I dont know. Jen-Jennie gave it to me" Taehyung signs, giggling at his slow movements. "Okay this is weirding me out, stop smiling like that," Jungkook shivers, leaning a bit back. He's still fighting to keep Taehyung standing.

The younger looks at Jungkook's eyes. They are big, like deer eyes. Classy and beautiful, dark, brown.

Taehyung's look slowly lowers to his lips. They are pink and pretty, making Taehyung bit his own.

"What's wr-" Jungkook's words gets cut by Taehyung grabbing his neck and pushing their lips together. What the-


This gets me every time😂: 

This gets me every time😂: 

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