Chapter 15: Team D

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Sometimes, the world does everything in its might to fuck up that little bit of sanity that's left in a person.

It's like when a teacher for some reason knows everything about the social relation (aka bullying) between a student and his/her classmates, even though this teacher only sees the students when they are glued to their chairs in a classroom, waiting for the clock to hit 'freedom'. And in the end, the student figures out it's his or her parents who notified the school and the teacher was just playing saint.

That's the scenario Taehyung is forced to deal with right now as he stares at the post-it-note with the skiing teams on. His team, team D. The worst team there is with students who have absolutely no clue of how to slide down some stupid mountain with plates on their feet.

And who's their fucking mentor? Yeah, you guessed it.

Jeon fucking Jungkook.

And who made those stupid teams?

Jung HOEseok.

And who advised Hoseok about the teams?

Kim asshole Seokjin and Park bitch Jimin.

Who's the victim?

Kim Taehyung.

The brunette sighs over the smaller tantrum in his head. He has kindly discussed with his friends how horrible it would be to get Jungkook as a mentor, so the older can tease him about how bad he is at skiing.

Many would say he's overreaching, but right Taehyung is too busy fuming to give a shit. He stomps his way to the room and is met with two knowing boys and a confused one.

"What's this about?" Yoongi questions as Jimin falls from the bed, basically choking in laughter.

Jin wipes some tears from his eyes.

"G-God, Jimin you're so good at convincing others," he stutters. Taehyung just huffs loudly and throws a pencil that's laying on the table to his right, hitting Jin perfectly.

The elder yelps but can't stop himself from laughing.

"It's not funny" Taehyung pouts, causing the others to laugh louder.

Yoongi just ignores them and falls back on the bed to sleep.

"Don't worry Tae, I'm sure it will be enjoyable," Jimin winks. Taehyung throws an eraser this time.

"Aish- so violent."

- Time skip -

"Okay students! Go pick up your skis and ski poles! You'll go to your teams afterward." The teacher announces and the students quickly follow the orders, heading for the rent-out building.

"Cheer up! Skiing is fun, trust me!" Jin gives Taehyung a tight side hug, earning a glare. He giggles and ruffles the brown hair, "I will help you if you're that bad."

They make their way to get their skis. Taehyung waves tiredly at his friends as they disappear to their assigned teams.

"Here's your equipment!" A smiling male throws the skis and poles in Taehyung's arms, making him stumble slightly from the weight.

He struggles as he lifts the things outside, dragging the heavy ski boots over the snowy ground.

And just as he starts getting excited about learning how to control these stupid things, his grip slips and one ski starts making its way to the ground. In a half-hearted attempt to catch it, Taehyung slips as well and lands harshly on his butt, making all his things scatters around.

What kind of karma is he paying back for right now?

"Need a hand pup?"

Taehyung sighs as he recognizes the voice immediately. He and Jungkook haven't really spoken since their... accident at the party.

The younger feels his cheeks burn in embarrassment from his clumsiness. Without grabbing the hand Jungkook has reached out for him, he stands and dusts his pants off.

Jungkook smirks before picking Taehyung's skis up, lifting them towards the rest of the group.

"Come on pup, you definitely have a lot to learn today."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and annoyingly follows the elder, holding the poles himself.

Jungkook places the skies on the ground. The other students are getting their skis on or talking happily to each other, not really noticing Taehyung and Jungkook's arrival.

The elder holds his hand out and Taehyung hesitantly grabs it.

"Place the front here and push your foot down, then it'll click into place," Jungkook explains. He helps the younger maintain his balances as he does as instructed.

He gets the first boot secured successfully, but as he lifts his other leg he almost falls to the side. Jungkook reacts quickly and grabs around the smaller's waist, holding him in place.

Taehyung blushes violently as the elder grabs his leg and helps him get the ski on.

"There, wasn't hard right?" he asks and Taehyung frowns. Why is he being so kind? Is he sick? Somethings up.

"Thanks." He quickly responds.

Jungkook nods and turns his attention to the rest of the group.

"Okay, let's begin!" 

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