Part 2 - Virgil

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I slowly opened my eyes again, but instead of seeing water and a yellow reflection, I saw a blob of light blue with a darker blue and red one on either side of it. The light blue blob had its arms on both of my shoulders. I couldn't feel their hands, but I knew they were there. My vision was still super blurry and I was still being violently shaken by the light blue blob.

Slowly, the shaking stopped and I was lowered back down with my eyes fully open but not fully in focus. "Thank goodness, you're awake!" The light blue blob said as it wrapped itself around me.

My brain was super confused but like a ton of bricks, it made sense. I hugged the blob back loosely when I realized it was Patton. Looking to the right of Patton was Logan, who had his glasses in one hand while he was pinching his nose with the other. He was decompressing. I could tell.

On Patton's other side was Roman, who still had a worried expression on his face.

Patton slowly let go as I did the same. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I looked right back into his, they were a calming light brown and his glasses gave off no flare from the natural light coming through the closed blinds of my window. "Now, what happened, kiddo?" Patton questioned.

My heart, which had returned to normal speed, began to palpitate again. I hugged my knees and looked down. "I-It's ok if you're not comfortable telling us yet!" Roman said abruptly. By this time, Logan put his glasses back on and resumed his normal state of being. To be perfectly honest with myself, I didn't know why I had that nightmare.

"I-It was...j-just an n-...wait." I paused. "How did you know I was having a nightmare?" Patton looked to Logan and Roman did the same. Logan gave a sigh and shook his head slightly.

"First of all, you were mumbling and yelling in your sleep, which we could hear from the commons," Logan explained. "Second of all, that was no nightmare, Virgil. That was a panic attack. A big one too, I'd say." With that he tightened his tie and everyone looked back to me. I was yelling? And mumbling? That must've been what the bubbles were at the end of the dream. Me yelling. I was snapped from my thoughts when Patton put his hand on my face and our eyes met again.

"You're sure you're ok, kiddo? Someone can stay in here with you for a while."

"No, I-I'm feeling better now," I said. With that, Logan turned on his heels and headed towards the door. He waited until Roman left behind his which left Patton still worryingly looking at me.

"Come on, Patton. He wishes to be alone." Logan coughed. Patton slowly stood up and made his way to the door. Logan looked at me one last time. "If you need anything, you know how to contact us. Any of us." Logan said before closing the door and leaving me to my own thoughts.

I curled myself and leaned back against the headboard. Just like I did in the dream. I immediately shot up, not wanting to recreate the horror I had felt before. I sighed a heavy sigh as I sat on my bed, cross-legged, looking at my bed covers and getting lost in thought. I felt the room get colder and colder. My breathing picked up. My anxiety picking up full speed. Something's not right. Why am I having an attack? I feel fine!

I felt something crawling up my arm which I assumed was my arm hair spiking up from the sudden chill in the air. I started to shake, the crawling on my arm rising up my whole body. Then, I realized a little too late what the crawling was.

All of a sudden, a yellow snake was wrapped around my mouth tightly. I tried desperately but I couldn't get it off me. I was panicking even more. He was here. He's here, I know it! What do I do?!

I felt another slithering snake coming up my arm and wrap around my hands, tying them together tightly. I was squirming so violently, I was surprised I hadn't passed out from exhaustion. I started to stand up from my bed and started aimlessly moving around my room. I pulled against the snakes on my arms, yelling into the snake around my mouth which was doing nothing.

I started banging my wrists against my wall, trying to loosen the snakes but they didn't budge. I didn't care if the others heard this. I gave it a couple more tires before I stopped and started breathing heavily. I had worked up a panicked sweat and ended up sinking to the floor, my back against the wall.

As I was catching my breath, a figure appeared in front of me. It wore black pants and military boots. As I looked up, I saw a black cape, flowing which was weird because there was no breeze. Going up to their face, my eyes dilated. Looking down upon me was that half-snake faced liar. Deceit.

I pushed my back into the wall more, trying to get out, trying to find an exit but to no avail. He slowly bent down to kneel and put his hand under my chin so that our eyes became locked together. Unlike Patton's calm and soothing eyes, Deceit's were sharp and narrow. Not to mention, one was a snake eye.

He laughed a tiny bit as I squirmed. "Hello, Virgil. Did you miss me?" I shook my head no. I hadn't realized until now but, I was still heavily shaking and tears were flowing from my eyes now. Deceit wiped the tears and whispered, "Don't cry, my raven." Our eyes were still locked, I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't handle this anymore. But yet, I couldn't do anything about it. My legs were like dead weight. I was frozen in fear. Deceit saw this. I knew he did.

"It's ok love. It'll be over soon." He put his hand on my forehead, his fingers spread out. Slowly he moved his hand down to my eyelids, closing them. Everything was black.

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