Part 23 - Roman

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"V-Virgil?" Patton choked out as he sat on his knees next to Virgil. Seeing him chained to the wall, watching his chest barely rise and fall was hard to watch. His mouth was hidden behind a handkerchief that was acting as a gag. 

Logan sat across from Patton and was feeling Virgil's vitals. Logan took a minute before finally speaking his mind. "He's alive but barely," Logan stated. "We need to get him out of here now!" Logan ordered. 

I wasn't going to hesitate any longer. I crouched next to Logan and examined the cuffs on his wrists. They were old and rusted, definitely used before. The idea of them being used previously hurt to think about. Knowing that they were probably used on Virgil before. I know how much Virgil hated living with Deceit and Remus. 

With one hand on Virgil's wrist and the other on the chains, I pulled until a snap was heard. I ran over to his other wrist and did the same thing. Patton untied his gag and threw it to the side. After the second snap was heard, I picked Virgil up bridal style. 

Virgil moaned as his head rolled into my chest. I smiled even though this wasn't the time or the place. He was so light in my arms and he seemed so peaceful. I don't know what Deceit did, but once I find out, he'll be a dead snake-man.

Logan and Patton lead the way out as I follow behind. We walked fast but quiet. I was so happy. Virgil was coming home! And to think it was so easy.

"Not so fast, brother." A reckless voice of unreason rang through the room. The voice couldn't be mistaken for anyone else's. Before I could turn around, a dull pain clashed with my skull. I dropped Virgil on the ground and saw him bounce onto his side. I dropped to my knees and tried to stop my world from spinning. I shook my head while Patton was by my side helping me up. 

We turned around to watch Logan facing Remus. I growled to myself. It's been years since I've seen Remus and we didn't end on a good note. Remus was swinging his mace at Logan while he was sinking in and out. It almost made me laugh. Remus hates, 'Whack a Mole.' 

Patton and I took the hint. I bent down to grab Virgil when I was pushed to the side by a strong force. With the wind knocked out of me, I gasped heavily. I heard the sounds of Patton struggling. When I looked over, I fumed with anger when I saw Deceit who now had Patton's hands pinned to his back. "Roman! Get Virgil!" Patton called out.

"Oh, sacrificing yourself." Deceit smoothly spoke into Patton's ear. "How very noble of you, Morality."

"S-Stop" Patton whispered in a shaky voice. I looked back and forth between Virgil's body and Patton, quickly choosing to help Patton. I stood up and charged Deceit, who was having a difficult time fighting me off and holding Patton back. He growled as he pushed Patton to the floor and then pushed me down into Patton. He loomed over us, breathing heavily yet smiling wide and chaotically.

"Now, I think we can all agree, two against one isn't fair." Deceit cooed. He laughed before continuing. "Why don't we level the playing field. Anxiety!" He shouted, looking over in his direction. 

Patton and I turned as we watched Virgil's head look up and look around. With shaking arms, he picked himself up. He turned around and once he saw us, my heart bloomed. He was alright. Thank god! He quickly rushed over.

Or at least, I thought he saw us. I thought he was alright.

"Deceit! Are you...are you hurt?" He asked, throwing himself around Deceit. "I don't know what I'd do if you were...hurt." He paused as he made eye contact with my confused eyes. He took steps behind Deceit, slightly hiding behind him. Virgil looked back and forth between Patton and I wearily. I was in shock. Virgil siding with Deceit?!

"Virgil, it's us! Remember?" I cried out to him. Virgil shook his head and leaned into Deceit's ear.

"Who's Virgil?"

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