Part 6 - Roman

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I told Logan and Patton the trouble I had found in Virgil's room. That trouble being, Virgil was gone. Patton was immediately frantic as he started to freak out. I felt bad for Patton. He's a great dad character and he is always trying his best but, at times, it seems his best-our best-isn't enough. 

 "What are gonna do? Where could he have gone? He couldn't have gone far, right? I mean, we were just up there! Plus, people don't just vanish!" Patton yelled while pacing around the living room. Logan and I simply watched until the logical character walked over and put his hands on Patton's shoulders.

"Don't worry, Patton. We'll find him." Logan said, looking lovingly into the eyes of Patton. Logan straightened his tie and took a step back so we could all see his face. "Patton is correct. Virgil could not have gone too far." Logan turned to me, "Roman, did you look anywhere else besides Virgil's bedroom?"

"No, I-I didn't. I didn't think to. I just saw he wasn't in his room and I panicked." I said, rubbing the back of my neck in slight embarrassment. I not to sure if either Logan or Patton know that I have a crush on Virgil. And saying my last sentence out loud makes me sound like I didn't even try to look for him, which made me feel absolutely awful.

"It's ok, kiddo." Patton chimed in. "But Roman does make a point. Why would Virgil be anywhere else?" Logan pondered for a second at the thought of Patton's question. He was looking at the floor and I could see the story piece together in his mind like a puzzle.

"Perhaps Virgil attempted to find us in one of our rooms but had a panic attack and stayed inside that room. Or, he started to become corrupt, much like how we do in his room." Logan looked up from the floor, as he said that and took a sharp intake of breath. "Search your rooms." Logan demanded. 

Patton was the first to sprint up the flight of stairs while Logan and I were close to follow. My room was on the right after the flight of stairs and Logan's was on the left. Patton and Virgil's were further down the hall and we could see Patton fumbling with his doorknob in a rush to see if Virgil was in there. Logan and I shot glances at each other before I opened my door and walked inside.

My room looked normal. My closet door was still opened from this morning. I looked inside my closet before shutting it, making sure Virgil wasn't inside. I then looked into my bathroom and to no avail, nothing.

I was really worried at this point. Virgil couldn't have just faded. I sat on my bed, deep in thought for a couple minutes, thinking about Virgil. I really liked him and I wanted him to like me back too. I don't know if he ever would though. We are opposites. But they do say opposites attract for a reason, right? 

A thought suddenly struck me like lightening as I shot up from my bed and headed for the hallway. I stopped when across the hall in Logan's room, I saw Logan hugging a crying Patton. I made my way over and stood in Logan's doorway. I sighed, "I take it both of you had an unsuccessful search as well?" Logan nodded as Patton sobbed again.

"I d-don't understand! The mind palace i-isn't that b-big!" Patton stammered. His words reminded me of my idea earlier.

"Hey Logan?" He looked at me. "Have we checked to see if he is with Thomas yet?" Logan stood up with Patton still hugging him tightly.

"Of course, Roman. That's a great idea. Maybe yo-" Logan was cut off as Patton sprang up in his normal, cheery way.

"I'll go see! Will you come with me, Logan?" He asked, smiling at Logan. Logan couldn't refuse as Patton waved at me and they both sunk down. I sighed once again and I was going to go back into my room when, I stopped.

 I turned my head towards Virgil's room and paused once again. My thoughts were pushing back and forth like a sick game of tug of war. Just one more check of his room. It wouldn't hurt, right? I gave into my new idea and marched towards his bedroom door. 

When I reached his black door, I put my hand on the doorknob and prayed silently. Please, be here. I opened the door and I see his face looking up at me while he was sitting on the floor.

"Oh my god, Virgil!" I cheered as I ran over and hugged him tightly. He tensed up and even fought against me, hissing in pain. When I noticed this, I let go of him and he rubbed his arm. "Is your arm ok?" I asked timidly. He simply nodded. 

I took note of his lock necklace that dawned his neck. It looked beautiful on him but, I thought everything looked beautiful on Virgil. "Where did you get the necklace?" I asked. He opened his mouth to speak when we both heard a gasp come from the hallway. 

In his doorway stood Logan and Patton looking bewildered but happy at the same time. Patton ran over and hugged him as I did but, Virgil didn't fight Patton, even with his arm that was hurt. He was probably just trying to hide it from Logan who would question it and Patton who would take care of it. Wait, did HE cut himself? Logan put his hand on Virgil's shoulder in comfort.

"Welcome back, Virgil," Logan said and Virgil only nodded in response.

"Where did you go, kiddo?" Patton questioned. Virgil went wide-eyed as he tried to piece together a sentence in his mind.

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