Part 7 - Virgil

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My eyes went wide as Patton asked me a seemingly simple question, "Where did you go, kiddo?" Such a question shouldn't have made me so anxious but it wasn't the question that worried me. It was the answer they were all seeking that made me sweat. The rules that were craved in my arm were burning, probably from Roman's hug.

I had a lump in my throat and I was sweating bullets which no one seemed to notice. You're doing this FOR them, remember? I told myself. If you didn't do this, you know what would've happened! The voice grew angrier. I took a deep breath, trying not to make a scene in front of the others.

I then realized I didn't even know where Deceit had taken me. But, if I had to guess, "I just...uh- went to the imagination to...calm down before an oncoming panic attack." I lied.

"Oh, kiddo," Patton said, wrapping me in another hug to which my scarred arm only cried more. I could feel blood trickling down my arm. "You need anything before we leave, kiddo?" I just shook my head quietly and watched as Patton, Roman, and Logan exited my room, similarly to how they left this morning. 

Once my door shut and I heard three pairs of footsteps shuffle away. I exhaled a breath I didn't even notice I was holding in. I rolled up my sleeve and saw the damage of my bleeding cuts. My arm stung as if a thousand bees attacked me at once. I let a tear roll down my face and started to stand up to head to my bathroom. 

As I stood up, I made eye contact with one normal brown and one snake-like eye. I yelped and almost fell backward when Deceit put his hands around my waist, smiling at me while I breathed hard.

"Falling for me, Virgil?" Deceit grinned. He pulled me back onto my feet and I was immediately flushed with anger.

"You made my cuts bleed, didn't you!?" I asked, lifting up my arm. He scanned my arm and laughed slightly.

"I see our little contract found you well." He sat down on my bed, patting the spot next to him and I sat down too. I was feeling slightly light-headed from my still bleeding arm. As if Deceit read my mind, a damp washcloth began to float towards us from the bathroom. A yellow hue surrounding it. 

It entered Deceit's hand and he started to clean the blood around the wound, leaving the contract in my arm to scar. "The contract will scar, don't worry about that. However, it will bleed if you are close to breaking a rule."

"It's like you want me to break our rules!" I yelled. "If one of the others sees my arm bleeding, they'll try and help me and then see the contract! They'll question the lock around my neck and then my arm will bleed and the cycle will repeat." Deceit gave me a blank stare before standing up and placing himself above me while I still sat, frozen on my bed.

"Virgil, I see your worries about all this but, frankly," He leaned in, whispering in my ear, "I don't care." He grabbed my wounded arm, making me wince. He stood me up and then lifted me in the air by my arm. I could only watch as he began to glow a bright yellow and I could see in the corners of my eyes, a purple glow overcoming me. I felt drained, my eyes lids slowly beginning to fall.

"D-Deceit...w-what are you...?"

"Shh." He responded. I obeyed his words as he dropped me and I collapsed on the floor of my bedroom, out of energy and out of breath. Deceit lowered his body to my level and smiled as I began to lose my hold and slowly began losing my consciousness.

"That was the first of many, aura drains, Virgil," He grinned. Deceit stood up and proceeded to kick me in the side. I wrapped my arms around myself. He finally began to stop when I closed my eyes. "Sweet dreams," I heard Deceit say before my mind became fuzzy and everything went black.

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