Part 14 - Roman

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Once I got into my room, I shut my door harshly and paced around my room. My mind was moving at lightning speed and my heart was barely keeping up. What had happened to Virgil? What was that thing? What was he trying to tell me?! I almost couldn't bare the weight of the situation anymore. 

I slumped onto my bed and laid out like a starfish, just staring at my ceiling. I was trying to make sense of the thoughts boiling in my head. I was starting to get a headache. I stood up slowly, making sure I wouldn't faint or anything and walked out of my room.

Whilst walking down the stairs, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't just having a headache, but a migraine. Once I got down the last step, I scanned the living room, slowly mapping out the place in my mind which only made my head hurt more. 

I saw Patton sitting on the sofa, tapping gently on his phone. His smile was bright and his freckles lit up from his phone screen. He looked well-rested which wasn't a look Patton dawned very often. When he noticed me, he waved his hand sporadically, jumping off the sofa and shoving his phone into his back pocket. "Hiya, Kiddo!" Patton's voice beamed with energy. So much energy, it was too much for my pounding head to handle. I winced a little bit which Patton picked up on right away. He walked up to me calmly, "What's up, Kiddo?"

"Oh, it's uh-I got a migraine I think..." I said, trying to make it seem like I was okay but I'm sure my facial expression and the pain in my usually glowing demeanor was saying otherwise.

"Oh, Princey..." Patton said, putting a hand on my back and guiding me towards the sofa. "Why don't you get into a comfortable position and I'll get you some medicine, okay?" I nodded lightly and watched Patton bounce over to the hall closet where we keep our medicines. 

I laid down on the sofa, taking up the whole thing with my body while my legs relaxed into the arm rested and my feet dangled off the ledge. Patton said a comfortable position, not a practical one. With the blanket on the sofa, I covered my face with it, blocking out the light. I know Logan told me about this trick once when I had a migraine before. 

I could hear Patton come back, "Here you are, buddy." Patton said, guiding my hands to two tablets and a glass of water. I tilted my head upwards a little, putting both tablets in my mouth and downing them with water. I gave the glass back to Patton and quietly sat with my face under the blanket.

After a few seconds, I could still feel Patton standing over me. I chuckled a little, "It's okay, Patton. I'm feeling much better already!"

"Are you just saying that though?" I blinked. Taken back by Patton's question. "I can tell, kiddo. That's the same thing Logan tells me when he's under the weather and clearly not okay."

"I bet you hear it a lot from, Virgil too, huh?" I chuckled again.

"Not really. He learned to not lie to me. That or he can't bring himself to do so." I could hear Patton plop himself down on the floor next to the sofa. He put his hand on my leg but I moved it as soon as he made contact with my leg. "D-Does that hurt?" he asked.

"No no, sorry. It just frightened me." Patton continued to rest his hand on my leg. There was a pause before he spoke up again.

"Am I bothering you by being here?"

"Oh, never Patton! You know I adore your company." I could feel Patton's smile. He sighed for a long second. I was going to talk but he beat me to it.

"Do you have any idea why you're having a migraine?"

"Well...yeah? I don't know. I just came from Virgil's room and...well. Something is very wrong with Virgil."

Patton gasped, "How so?"

"Well-and don't tell Virgil I told you this- but there was this monster from within him that attacked me. H-He started to tell me something but then the monster attacked me! I don't know what it was but it wasn't like something that would happen to him or us!"

Patton stayed quiet. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I removed the blanket from my face and turned around to see Logan at the bottom step. "Not saying I wasn't listening to the conversation but, you're right about one thing, Roman. That thing wouldn't have come from us, but Virgil isn't like us."

"Yes he is!" I shot up, walking around the sofa, and to meet eyes with Logan. "Sure, he might've come from somewhere else but he is no less of a side that you or me!"

"That's just it, Roman. It's where Virgil is from that makes him different. That's what makes that monster that you described, a reality." My tense body loosened. I didn't want to believe Virgil's past. He's made up for it generously and has let the memories of it die. "If you please..." Logan moved away from me and took a seat in his chair in the living room. 

Patton and I sat down at the sofa, watching Logan as he began to speak. "The 'dark sides' as we call them, don't have auras like we do. We have auras to protect us from becoming negative and bleak. Dark sides are like us without the auras. Pre-made negative energy. This monster that came from Virgil, if I'm correct, by Roman's description of it and my research, I'm thinking Virgil is losing the aura he's gained from being over here." Logan finished his conclusion and leaned back in his chair. Patton gasped and I was at a loss for words.

"Sides can't just LOSE their auras! Whether dark or light!" Patton said.

"Right you are," Logan said. "Something is taking Virgil's aura, but what?" Logan pondered.

"Hold on," I said. "I thought our auras were the main sources of who we are as Logic, Morality, Creativity and Anxiety..."

Logan nodded, "Indeed it is. For us, our auras protect the monsters from coming in but, for Virgil, it keeps the monster from coming out. Without that 'monster' Virgil would be nobody."

"So this monster thing is what makes Virgil, Anxiety?" Patton asked. Logan nodded in response.

"It can't come out unless the aura is fully removed, and by the looks of Virgil-"

"We don't have a ton of time" I said, interrupting Logan. "But we shouldn't force it either. Looked what happened when I tried too."

"Roman makes a point," Patton said. "He has to tell us willingly."

"Agreed." Logan and I said at the same time. We looked at each other with hope. Now that we all had a sense for what was going on, we could prepare for the future.

That was the plan, until we heard a scream.

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