Part 10 : Episode 1 - Roman

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As I watched Virgil sink down into the real world, I couldn't help but notice how pale and unhealthy he looked. It broke my heart to know that he might not be doing as well as he lets on. I pushed back tears and walked to my room. 

Once I shut my door, I walked to my bed and belly-flopped onto it, face first. I started to wonder why Thomas needed Virgil. It sounded really important when I heard him talk about it. 

I decided to watch a movie to take my mind off of everything. Disney of course. Standing up from my bed and walking to my dresser to get my laptop, I came face to face with my reflection in the mirror that was mounted above my dresser. I looked so conflicted. I knew why. 

My heart was telling me things that my head wasn't wanting to believe. I really liked Virgil. A lot. I wanted to help him. I wanted to figure out what was making him like this. The Virgil I had just talked to wasn't the same Virgil I have been falling in love with. This Virgil is not okay. He's broken. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw I was crying. I shook my head and summoned a tissue in my hand to wipe my wet face with. I took a deep breath and threw the tissue away. Something inside me had just clicked. I can't help Virgil like this. What Virgil needs is a brave and heroic person that would be the rock in his life. I shook my hands out loosely and smiled at myself. I can do this.

Just then, I got a knock on my door. I opened it fully to see Logan looking up to me with a slightly nervous expression mounting his usual stone face. "You might want to hear this." Logan simply said. 

He lead me to the living room, where the control panel was. Here, we can hear and see Thomas' world. Patton was sitting on the couch with nervous tears streaming down his face. Logan backed up the memory and played it for me. I could see Virgil, he looked nervous as usual. Probably because Thomas doesn't usually summon him alone. 

"So, this is probably gonna sound weird..." Thomas spoke first. "But, are there two anxieties?" I watched Virgil's eye raise as did mine. 

"What do you mean?" Virgil responded. Thomas went on to talk to Virgil about what "both" anxieties were doing. Virgil looked like he could cry at any second. Something told me a panic attack was bubbling inside of him. 

In a rush of thoughts and emotions Virgil quickly said, "N-No, it's alright. P-Probably just some rogue side deep in the mind palace. I'll sort 'em out, thanks for letting me know, bye Thomas!" I pushed past Logan and Patton and ran out to the living room, standing in front of Virgil's spot where he would rise up. While waiting, Logan and Patton stood behind me. He slowly rose up and made eye contact with each one of us before saying, "What?"

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