Part 8 - Logan

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We left Virgil's room for the second time that day. I quickly and calmly made a run to my room. Something was off with Virgil and his room. I shut the door to my room and leaned my back against the door. My mind was racing. Something wasn't right but, what? 

I went over to my bookshelf and lightly read the covers of the books. I wasn't finding exactly what I was looking for but I knew it was there. I saw it on the top shelf. I picked it up and read the cover again to make sure my eyes weren't playing jokes on me. The cover was dusty, signifying the age of the book. I sat down at my desk and opened the book in my hands titled, Anxiety. 

There were books for all the sides in my bookcase. I haven't told the others about these books yet for the fear that they'd lose trust in me. It is kind of an invasion of privacy, seeing as I now know what makes them each tick. I haven't even brought myself to read the Logic book. 

As I was flipping through each chapter of the book, I came across the chapter that might have the most answers, Chapter 10: The Room & The Owner. I had stopped merely skimming the book and fully read this chapter. As I read, I could feel the black eye shadow start to form under my eyes. Since the books are tied to us and our abilities, it made sense. But, why didn't that happen when we were in Virgil's room previously? If not to me and Patton, at least to Roman. He was in there the longest. 

Continuing my read, I shuttered at what I began to read. A sides' room can sometimes work incorrectly. Anxiety is no different. However, the room cannot simply be "broken" unless the room's master is experiencing trouble with their aura or are unwell. 

My eyes bolted upward when a sudden knock came from my door. I put the book back on the top shelf with other sides' books and opened that door. I was greeted with Patton smiling at me although, upon seeing me, he frowned. "Oh kiddo, you got affected by Virgil's room?" Patton asked. I had forgotten about the eye shadow from the book. 

"Ah, yes. It did get to me a little bit. I'm feeling better now though, thank you, Patton." I said, quickly fixing the situation. I didn't want Patton to worry about Virgil, or me. Patton put his hands on my face and rubbed under my eyes with his thumb, trying to get the eye shadow off. 

I was going to move away from his touch but instead, I melted into it. It was so calm and very soft. I suddenly stood up straight and Patton removed his hands. "Is there something you needed, Patton?" Patton looked as if he just remembered that there was a different reason he had come to my room.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You made a quick dash to your room earlier." Patton's words were so soft and caring. I didn't want to lie to him, but at the same time, what choice did I have?

"I just didn't want you to worry about his room getting to me. That's all." I replied. My eye shadow soon went away, being in my own room helped that heal much faster. Patton sighed and looked back at me. 

"As long as you're okay, Logie! That's all I wanted to know!" Patton skipped down to the living room and I chuckled to myself. 

I looked down the hall to Virgil's room. It might not be the best idea to confront him about this. He might lie about it or worse, have a panic attack. I shut my door and looked upon my room again. Thinking of all the possibilities of what may be happening between Virgil and his room only made me tired. I walked to my bed and my tired mind easily fell asleep.

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