Part 10 : Episode 2 - Virgil

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"What?" I looked into each of my friends' eyes as I got a sinking feeling in my gut. Logan looked nervous which was something I never saw from him. Patton had dried tear streaks down his face. I felt even worse seeing that Patton had been crying. Then...Roman. He looked like he was ready to wrap his arms around me and cry as well. I would let him. After what Thomas said, I wasn't so sure about my deal with Deceit.

I could feel my hands shake in my pockets and blood running down my arm. The contract was bleeding. Shit. My face grew red from my friends' eyes and my own nervousness. "What is it?!" I barked again. 

They all took a step back. My eyes widen. I didn't mean this. I didn't want this. Shit. I made an effort to run up the stairs to my room. I felt a hand grab my wrists, pulling me to a stop. I looked back to see Roman was the one that had me in his grasp. His hand was on the bleeding contract which only made me hiss. Even then, he didn't let go. I stopped fighting him and just stood still on the stairs while the others watched me.

"What do you mean there is another side in the mind that is causing havoc for Thomas?" Logan spoke. My breath was shaky. I knew that it wasn't true. It had to be Deceit but I couldn't tell them that.

"A-are you having trouble with your aura?" Patton asked. I held back a sob. I was facing away from the others so they couldn't see the waterfalls flowing from my eyes. It would be hard enough to lie to Logan, but Patton? Hell no. I can't lie to him! What do I do?!

"Virgil, are you okay?" Roman asked. I couldn't hold it back anymore. 

I sobbed loud enough for them to all hear despite my efforts to keep it quiet. I felt my wrists claim freedom as Roman dropped them from his grip. My arms wrapped around me. I just wanted it to be over. This secret. This deal. Maybe I could've stopped that future Deceit showed me. Maybe there was something I could've done. I could've talked to the others. But then again, I couldn't. 

I looked up the stairs and my heart sank. Deceit was leaning against the railing of the stairs, watching me from the top step. He had a devilish grin and his arms were crossed. He then looked down, tilting his head up as his body started to glow a yellow hue. I noticed my body began to do the same. 

I wanted to look back at the other sides but to my surprise, they were quietly talking to each other, not seeing Deceit or my new yellow glow. Slowly, my aura started leaving me just as it had before.

My knees grew weak and wobbly. I dropped to my knees on the stairs which was an odd position. "Virgil?!" Roman questioned. I felt his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me although, now wasn't the time. He didn't seem to notice my hue. Maybe he couldn't see it? I heard Logan and Patton rush over. I tried to get one last look at Deceit but my eyes were heavy and my head hung down as I slipped from reality.

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